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Harry's 4th year at Hogwarts wasn't exactly going according to plan. When Dumbledore told the school about the TriWizard Tournament, he had been just as excited as his best friend, Ron Weasley. And while Ron had been going on and on about how great it would be to enter, Harry was thinking that he'd rather sit on the sidelines and cheer on the Hogwarts champion.

However, he should have known that that wouldn't be the case.

On Halloween Eve, when he'd been cheering alongside everyone else for Cedric Diggory, Harry noticed that the Goblet of Fire's blue flames had suddenly turned to red, and as a new piece if parchment flew out of it and into Headmaster Dumbledore's hand, a feeling of dread entered the pit of his stomach.

"Harry Potter."

Harry couldn't believe it.
No... No this couldn't happen. Why did these things always have to happen to him?

After he'd been sent into a chamber off the Great Hall to be with the other champions, Harry had planned to discuss the strange turn of events with Ron and Hermione. But Ron refused to believe him because of his jealousy, and Hermione had sided with him, leaving Harry to mope around and worry about what the upcoming first task was.

Dragons! Because why not?!

Ron and Hermione had both made up with him, and while he was thankful for them, a seed of doubt had been planted. Was it that simple for them, his best friends, to turn on him?

"We've got Defense against the Dark Arts after lunch," Ron was saying, as he shoveled food as fast he could into his mouth.

"I 'spect Moody's got something nasty prepared again?" Harry wondered aloud.

The new DADA teacher seemed to know what he was talking about, but Harry wasn't sure if he really liked him that much. He was a bit put off by the whole, wanting-to-use-unforgivable-curses-on-the-students-thing. Harry didn't quite fancy the idea of having the Cruciatus Curse used on him. Still, at least he had Ron and Hermione back, and that's all that mattered!

As the second task approached, Harry had yet to figure out the clue in the Golden Egg. Hermione kept pestering him about it, but she wasn't much help, as she felt he would have to play by the rules. Ron wasn't helpful either. So, two weeks before the task, Harry decided that he would skip Herbology and focus on trying to solve the riddle in the empty Gryffindor Common Room. On his way up the tower, someone whispered from behind a tapestry that led to a shortcut.

"Psst! Potter!"

Harry cautiously walked over, his wand held out in front of him. He moved aside the tapestry, only to find himself face to face with his fourth least favorite person in Hogwarts.
Draco Malfoy.

"What are you doing up here, Malfoy?" Harry asked, suspicious. They were far away from the dungeons, and Draco should have been in class.

Draco put his hands up in surrender, and backed up a few inches. "Have you solved the egg yet?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just answer me."

Harry looked around, making sure they were alone. "No..."

"Alright, meet me after curfew on the fifth floor." Draco said.


"Because I'm going to help you, you idiot."

Harry narrowed his eyes. He remembered back in First Year when Draco had said to meet him past curfew for a duel- He'd nearly been eaten by a three headed dog!

"Okay, but," said Harry, "if this is a trick, Malfoy, I'll hex you!"

Draco smirked. "Sure you will... See you an hour after curfew! And bring the egg!"

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