Chapter 6-Introductions and Promises

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The stones of my tower were not like the fortress. The tower stones were warm even in the throes of winter, forever covered in a fine soft blanket of moss. Here, the stones are cold and lifeless, the blocks perfectly stacked and structured. It has the feeling of a tomb that has my skin crawling with unease.

The blond male or as Nadia called him, the young man, led the way through the twisting halls with her small frame cradled in his arms. The green eyed one follows close behind me, his cape brushing the stone as it drags behind him. My nose twitches with the smell of wood smoke and fern, that seems to radiate off him.

His eyes now calculating and somewhat hesitant, it's not everyday that a witch's power is displayed, especially when its two witches. Except that would still be incorrect, we are Natura Filias, Nature's Children, beings that can manipulate the elements and change into our own animal forms.

Though not without great cost, the transition from animal back to the human form is especially depleting. The risk is even greater if a Natura has stayed in animal form for an extended period of time. For Nadia it's even worse, she has spent so long as a crow that her human body had to rapidly change from a child of eight to a young woman of twenty. At least to my knowledge, for the tole has leached her of all healthy fat and weakened her body.

Soon, the young man turns and enters into a sunlit room, rows of white covered beds lining the walls. The wooden rafters above are filled with baskets and drying plants. The scent of sage, chamomile, and basil threads through my nose and down into the bowels of my lungs.

Gently, he lays Nadia onto one of the beds, I scuttle to the other side and clasp the hand of her uninjured arm. "It did not go all the way through," I drawl.

Both men glance over at me, their expressions at first slightly confused before changing to stoic concentration. The fern scented one hurries over to a low wooden table, his nimble hands gathering cloth bandages, a needle, and thread. The blond murmurs soothing words to Nadia, as he rearranges her cloak to both cover her and to gain access to her wound.

"Here," a voice says behind me. Startled I turn towards the sound, my hands clutching at my shawl as I stare at the green eyed man weighed down by the healing supplies.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," he says as his cheeks flush slightly. "I believe you will know what to do with these yes?"

"Yes I can, thank you," I reply while reaching out to take the supplies from him. "Damaris," he drawls as I settle the supplies down on the side table beside Nadia's bed. "What?" I reply my hands stopped midway in grinding up the herbs with a pestle. "My name is Damaris, and you?" he says, eyes lighting up with curiosity that only makes my frown deepen.

"Ivaine, I am Ivaine," I say, gesturing for the blond to pull Nadia into a seated position.

A small moan escapes her lips, the blonde's brow furrowing from concern to rage. His blue eyes darken like cold murky water, when her lip quivers as I place a hand behind her back and around the arrow shaft. Without hesitation I push the shaft the rest of the way through her shoulder. A gasp of pain escapes her, the muscles of her shoulder tightening as I break the arrow in two. I pull out the broken shaft and settle the bloody sticks onto the bedside table.

"Your doing perfectly little crow,"  I here the blond croon. Nadia's eyes return his proud gaze, a pleased grin lighting up her face as she brings up her other hand to cup her shoulder.
"I have had worse, dear wolfen mate of mine," she replies, in a low melodic tone.

Her voice then drops an octave as her eyes concentrate on her dripping wound. A small gust of wind flutters by as she calls again on her power.

Regina Ignis Ego quǽsumus
Regina Ignis Rogo Te
Curare et Tueri Quid destructa

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