Chapter 7-The Trouble with Guests

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"So, your the one who shot the Lady Nadia, I find it hard to believe that you acted alone," I drawl. My knuckles turning white as I clench the arms of the high backed wooden chair. I raise my chin as I look down at the quivering young archer. His shoulders shake under his chain mail, the links clinking together as he gazes up at me with frightened eyes.

The boy can't be more than fifteen years, fear shining in his dark eyes as nervous sweat trickles down his brown skin.

"Who told you to shoot, who told you!" I shout my hand banging on the chair. "Do you realize that you could have hit my mate and your future queen? Who told you to shoot? Tell me or you will rot with the rats."

He bows his head with shame, his eyes gazing at the floor as he whispers a reply. "Lord Varrick, he gave the order, said that if I did not act that they would kill us all," he utters, bowing his head till it touches the floor. "Forgive me your highness, I only sought to protect your life and the lives of my fellow soldiers."

Rising from the chair, I walk down the steps of the granite dias and stop a few inches away from his head. "Thank you for your honesty soldier," I reply, my voice devoid of emotion except for simmering rage. "But I think that it would be fitting for the Lady Nadia to pass judgement. Take him to Lord Soren's quarters, I trust that they will be more merciful than I."

I sit back down in my chair as the guards lead the young man out. Only when the door closes, leaving me in the quiet room, do I lower my head into my hands and brush back my greasy hair from my face. My elbows resting on my knees as I gaze down at my dust covered boots.

It has been barely an hour since I left Ivaine in Gretcha's tender care. Already I've had an endless streams of congratulations and offers of celebration for finding my mate. After that, I had to deal with fixing the aftermath of the chaos the girls had wrought. My time was well spent calming tempers and soothing worries of evil spirts and witches. My efforts have left me on the cusp of exhaustion, that I feel down to the marrow of my bones. I sigh as the door groans open on the old iron hinges.

"What now?" I groan, peering up to meet Gretcha's worried face. "It is your mate, something strange is going on with her," she drawls. "Strange?" I chuckle slightly, "I already know she is a little strange, so what of it?"

Her eyes crinkle with annyonce as she folds her arms and lifts her chin. "You best come see for yourself, and don't mock me highness, I've taken care of you since you were a wee babe," she replies with a huff, swiftly turning on a slippered heel.

Shaking my head, I follow her through the door and into the depths of the mansion. Warm torches in iron holders, wool hangings, and cotton carpets line the busy halls. Maids, footmen, and guards bustle through the hall, the mansion alive with activity in preparation for the hunting feast tomorrow night.

I brush by with nods of assurance and thanks for their hard work. Even a modest mansion such as this requires hundreds of hands to keep it running smoothly. As we go, the stones change from gray rough blocks to covered white plaster.

The halls soon become quiet and empty as we arrive at the rooms assigned to me and Soren. Now it houses our recovering mates as well, the Lady Nadia now safely sequestered down the hall while Soren waits for her to awake.

Opening the door to my personal rooms, I enter the fire warmed bedchamber. The four poster bed decked with fresh green sheets, the fire roaring with the pop and crackle of wood. Plush red chairs and gray wool rugs cover the stone floor, and to my left I here the small sound of laughter emanating through the bathing chamber door.

Curiosity fills me as I walk over to the white oaken door. Opening it up a crack, I peer into the sunlit room. A multicolored glass window of blue and purple glass, shines iridescent light onto the water soaked floor. Small drops of water slosh from the wooden tub, while Ivaine blows foaming bubbles onto the face of a white fox. Its front paws placed on the lip of the tub as it sniffs the bubbles that float by.

A smile ticks up the side of my face at the sight. The bubbles covering her up to her shoulders. Small brown birds chirp and flutter as they seem to untangle the snarls in her hair. The fawn colored strands glowing golden in the weak winter light. Suddenly, a large black mouse jumps into the tub.  A gasp filled with laughter, looses from her throat as water sprays in all directions.

"I do believe that that is quite enough," Gretcha says, pushing by me with a large towel and a selection of dresses clenched in her arms. "Come on dear," she croons, helping Ivaine out of the tub while shooing off the four legged creatures.

I catch Ivaine rolling her eyes as Gretcha wraps her up in the towel. Small braids now winding through her hair, the locks woven with sprigs of lavender, sage, and lilacs. Suddenly, the fox appears by the door and pushes on the wood, closing it on me with a creak. I chuckle to myself and shake my head, before settling myself in one of the chairs next to the stone fireplace.

A few moments later the door opens as Gretcha bustles out with Ivaine in tow. "There my dear, isn't that better?" she utters, with the kindness of sweetened milk.

My eyes widen as she walks out behind the short woman. With the dirt washed away, Ivaine's skin glows like a new copper coin. The hem of her purple cotton dress swishes back and forth over her bare feet. The long open sleeves trail down to the top of the fox's head by her knee. Little brown mice skitter around her feet, as a flock of sparrows flutter above her head. A small pair of turtle doves nestled upon the silver embroidered shoulder of her gown.

"Yes it is," she replies with a small smile as she lightly chuckles at the mice trying to climb her skirt.  Nodding, Gretcha dips a small curtsy before leaving us alone, with Ivaine's furry routine. "You look beautiful," I say as I stand up from the chair.

"Thank you," she replies, meeting my gaze with that concerning empty look in her brown eyes.

Sadness twists through my heart as I return her solemn gaze. What horrors she must have witnessed to become so closed off, but still willing to speak and interact. Later when she is ready, I will ask her how she came to be in those dangerous woods. Before I can get closer to her though, a great roar sounds through the mansion. One filled with pain and anger.

"No it can't be," Ivaine says fear leaching into her voice and widening her eyes.

As I reach out to comfort her, she suddenly bolts through the open door. Her bare feet smacking down the hall with the stream of animals in tow.
"Wait!" I shout, breaking into a run to quickly follow her down the hall.

My boots pound across floor as I follow her. Her hands holding up the hem of her dress as she pushes past the people crowding the halls. Female shouts of fright from the sight mice and birds, do not stop our sprint through the mansion. The sun's light nearly blinds me when Ivaine comes to a skidding stop at the doorway leading to the courtyard.

"Oh Great Goddess," I gasp, looking on with awe at the large speckled bear, with a great iron collar secured around its massive neck.

The ground shakes as it swipes its massive clawed paws swiping at the guards armed with pointed spears. Blood trails down the bear's sides, its yellowed teeth biting and snarling with rage. My heart nearly freezes in my chest as Varrick unsheathes his sword, the iron black as night and shining like burning oil. In the blink of an eye, he thrusts the sword into the bear's furred hide. Blood quickly spurting against the blade as dark as his woolen cape.

"No!" Ivaine cries, a roar of fury leaving her throat as he throws herself into a viscous sprint across the dusty yard.

I can do nothing but stare in horror as green smoke spirals around her with the sound of ripping cloth. The smoke encircles her as she jumps towards Varrick. Her smoke covered form throwing him onto his back as the emerald mist dissipates into the air. My breath catches in my throat as I gaze with wide eyes at the large brown and white dappled wolf, its teeth bared and dripping with saliva.

I feel my own body change as I race across the yard towards them. My blood pounding in my ears as my black paws hit the ground, just as Ivaine clamps her jaws around Varrick's neck.

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