Chapter 14-Doubts and Truth

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It seems like forever that Damaris and I stay wedged to the fortress wall. Still waiting for grandmother to bring the promised escort of men and horses. As well as my ever trouble making cousin and the loyal but grumbling Soren. I shiver despite my fur cloak, of which Damaris threw across my shoulders as a chill wind began to pick up. To my relief however, the strong gust has sent a large portion of the people and animals in the courtyard, toward the safety of the stables and fortress keep.

The sheer number of them had nearly overwhelmed me. Their everyday activities reminding me of my childhood village, the memories still distorted with fire and pain. Pain caused by the Pure Ones, and its forceful implantation by one of their priests into my mind. Effectively tarnishing my memories and nearly breaking my entire soul.

"We are losing time," I grumble irritation finding its way into my voice. "Soon we will have to deal with stopping a near massacre, not a meeting of peace."

I feel my jacket scrape against the wall, my legs giving out from standing in the growing cold. Slumping onto the ground, I fist my hands and feel my nails slowly digging into my palms.

"So serious mate," Damaris drawls as he crouches beside me. His hand caressing my cheek and brushing away stray locks of hair, I don't know whether to lean into his touch or to bite into his skin. Somehow I still don't trust him fully, doubts still skitter through my head. When the storm had come last night, he had told me the hunt wasn't his idea. That in fact the only reason he had come, was to keep his insidious cousin Varrick in line.

Even the wounding of my cousin and grandmother, wasn't his call. It was Varrick, that scheming malicious snake who was behind it. The fiend now stewing in one of the fortress towers, far away from my claws. Except, even with all of the evidence for his crimes that brings a sense of truth to Damaris's words. I can't help but feel that it's just another trick, just another way to lull me into safety and then spring the trap to cage me in.

"Ivaine," Damaris whispers into my ear waking me out of my grim stupor.

"Hmm?" I hum, turning my head to face his emeralds eyes, glittering with flecks of gold.

All doubts of buried deceit crumble into dust, my breath lodging in my throat as my hand unconsciously cups his cheek. I feel the corner of his mouth tug up against my palm, then his arms gracefully wrap around my waist. Damaris pulls me up, my hand still against his face as my feet settle onto the hard ground.

Our chests now press against each other, our warm breath mingling in the air. Our legs just inches apart, and our lips far closer. Dangerously so that I feel an ancient carnal instinct to draw closer to him, to mark, to claim what is mine by nature's law. I don't hesitate or question this truth, for I see it in his eyes as I know he sees it in mine.

Though we have known each other barely a full day, it feels like weeks that I've been here with him. A heady feeling that wishes for me to act, and I do with greet relief and need. I have no need to stand on the tips of my toes, my height allowing me to pull his head down to me. His strong hands fisting into the waist of my jacket, while my hands lay upon his shoulders in a vice like grip. Our lips meet with a shudder of breath, and then a gentle warmth of soft flesh.

Heat licks up my bones and into the surrounding skin, my groan of pleasure joining Damaris's low growl of desire. However, his lips stay as gentle as his grip on my waist, allowing me to choose how far this will go. My throat rumbles as I purr from his hand slowly trailing up my arm to the side of my neck. My head clouds from the tingling sensation sparking along my flesh, a moment rich like the heady scent of roses and abruptly dashed by the sound of running feet.

"Dammit woman give that back!" Soren yells, making us jump apart and then scramble to adjust our now rumpled clothes.

Straightening my jacket, I grin evilly as Nadia runs across the courtyard with a sword clenched in her hands. Her bell like laugh bouncing off the walls, Soren not far behind in boots of black leather and clothes of ocean blue and storm gray. Nadia throws her body up onto an abandoned cart, her long hair whipping in the wind against her jacket and feather cloak.

"I swear Nadia when I catch you, I will personally stick you in a cage and hang you from the rafters!" Soren bellows, pointing at my cousin with a shaking finger.

"Fine then," Nadia replies, as she mockingly secures the sword at her waist. "I'll just have to entertain myself with memories of our first encounter."

Her lips peel back in a feral smile, I hurriedly stifle a laugh as Soren's eyes widen while his neck turns a dark shade of red. "You wouldn't dare," he growls, hands clenched at his sides.

"Try me," Nadia huffs. "It all started when some fool left his window open."

As expected, Soren lunges at Nadia with a growl of fury. I feel wind whip past my ear as Damaris throws himself at his cousin, their bodies crash to the ground with a series of growls and curses.

"What is it this time?" Damaris drawls, pinning Soren against the ground. "You better tell me cousin, because I am sick of watching you two bicker and brawl every chance you get."

Soren huffs, his face turning into a frown as his eyes lower with embarrassment. Intrigued, I quietly stalk over to the cart and silently climb up to join Nadia.

"My mate took my sword after I tricked her into a kiss," he replies lowly. Nadia huffs at that and rolls her eyes before jumping off the cart, her boots meeting the ground just inches from his head.

"That's not all he did," she huffs, with annoyance in her tone. "But it would be extremely indecent in polite company."

A low chuckle escapes Soren as Damaris pushes himself off his cousin in disgust. "Now don't give me that look highness," Soren teases in a mock scolding voice. "At least I relegate it to my quarters."

Heat flushes up my neck and into my face, Damaris coughs into his hand while the tips of his ears turn a deep shade of pink. Nadia gives me a knowing smirk as I bare my teeth at her in return. Suddenly, a group of horses and men barge through the open gates. Twenty seated riders in all, with grandmother in the lead on a sleek white charger. Then two saddled horses follow in, both dark as night and in needing of a rider.

"Well don't just stand there," a middle-aged dark skinned man drawls. My eyes quickly take in his strong physique, and the golden captain's shield pinned over his heart. Nodding, I jump off the wagon and head over to the offered mounts. Giving the sturdy horse a gentle pat, I pull myself up onto the saddle with ease. My ears then pick up the sound of scuffling feet, turning my head I chuckle as Nadia is hoisted up into the saddle by Soren. Her face dark with fury as Soren climbs up in front of her and takes the reins into his grasp.

Suddenly, I feel a warm pressure at my back as Damaris climbs on behind me. Unlike my cousin however, I will allow him to ride with me but I will be the one to handle the marvelous dark stallion.

"Hold on mate," I chuckle with mirth. With a flick of the reins, I turn the great horse and speed out of the fortress gates. Damaris quickly grabs hold of my waist as we thunder down the winding path. Dust flies up from the road, wind whips up our clothes as our escort tries in vain to catch up.

I hear my mate shout as the great beast jumps over a pile of fallen logs. My hands fist against the reins, my nose filling up with the scent of cold wind and smoke. The sense of freedom fills me with triumph and joy, my head leaning back against Damaris's warm chest. My heart nearly stops in my chest as a howl escapes my throat, only to then mingle with the sound of my mate's thunderous reply.

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