Chapter 16-The Meeting That Changed The World

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The road curves and dips as we ride, Nadia crowing against my back as Damaris and Ivaine howl into the wind.

"I know you can go faster than that Ethan!" Nadia hollers to the young archer turned guard.

Ethan replies by snapping the reins of his rowan mare. His cape, in the Luxian house colors of green and gold, flaps behind him as his horse comes up next to us. The brown of his skin, beading with sweat as his coiled hair flutters in the wind. I yell in challenge and spur my mount on, hoping to gain ground with my cousin's mate as she leads their horse to the edge of the River Lost.

Behind the wooden fences that line the road, wooly sheep and milk cows run away from the sound of rushing hooves. I run my hand over my horse's obsidian dark neck, urging the stallion on to break neck speed. Nadia digs her nails into my waist, a small grumble escaping her seemingly delicate frame.

The softness of her body pressing into my back, makes me rumble with contentment. The horse maneuvers with agility over cracks and fallen logs from last night's storm. The winter green grass, glistening with damp in the rolling hills and farmer's fields, only now beginning to thaw. The winter wheat bowing low to the ground from the frost's heavy weight.

The village lying below the mansion, flickers with sparks of life. Smoke wafting into the air from huts, children feeding chickens cracked corn from aprons and sacks. Young maidens in winter shawls and leather slippers, carry buckets of water from the town well. Women set to their work at spindles and sewing wheels, men split logs with well worn hatchets for their family fires. While the young lads begin to gather up the village goats, heading for the large swath of late winter green just north of Brindhall.

Passing by another pasture, I spy a ragged looking raven upon an old fence post. Its beady black eyes send a chill up my spine as we pass. All to soon my thoughts of the raven are gone as Ivaine pulls her horse to a stop at the bank's edge. Across the shallow water, a spread of barren land leads to a line of great towering oaks. The Guardian Trees travelers call them, for their commanding presence and the entrance to the forest beyond.

As our escort comes up behind us, the branches of the trees move sending unease into the pit of my stomach. Captain Draxen signals for the men to halt, as I glance towards Ethan. His lips pressed in a grim line, the muscles of his arm twitching for the bow and quiver of arrows strapped to his back.

I still cannot fathom why my mate made him her guard, if I had my way he would be stewing in a cell. I have to admit though, his skill with a bow is a useful thing. Nadia's grandmother comes up on our left, her white mare pawing the ground as the old woman glides to the cold earth. Adjusting her bear fur cloak and dress, she then heads for the shallow river.

"Avia wait!" Ivaine cries, leaping from the saddle and rushing after the spry woman.

Damaris leaps off the horse to join, and soon my back jostles as my mate follows suit which forces me to join in the mad dash for the obviously insane seer. Just as we all come to halt at the muddy cold bank, a roar sounds from the Guardian Trees as a tawny colored lioness bursts through the foliage.

"Damaris look out!" I shout, throwing myself in front of Nadia as I draw my sword from its scabbard.

Damaris hurriedly does the same, placing himself in front of Ivaine and her grandmother. The lioness continues her charge, eating up the ground and splashing across the river. However, the lioness at the last moment turns away from us and heads for the horses. I turn around and feel my heart stop in my throat, when I see young Ethan jump from his horse, bow in hand.

"Ethan don't!" Nadia cries, as I grab her arm to keep her from entering the lioness's path.

He doesn't listen, the fool boy runs toward the roaring beast. His hand going for an arrow a second to late, the lioness crashing into him and pinning his body to the ground. It happens so fast, that Captain Draxen couldn't even bark out a command to stop the boy.

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