Chapter 12-Fighting and Teasing

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The hefty weight of the sword in my bare hands is thrilling. My blood humming in my veins as I lunge and parry against Nadia's blade. The winter grass of the training ground, shines with frozen dew under the morning sun.

The grounds, situated between a rolling hill were the fortress sits and a low stone wall overlooking the barren fields below. Under grandmother's quiet gaze, I finally get to put my skills to the test.

Years of anticipation and then silent disinterest, have come to an end. Now I revel in the feeling of the wind whipping past my ears, and the numbing ache of my arms and legs. Already, Nadia as felled me three times, my back smarting from having my legs pulled out from under me.

Oh but what a feeling it is, how different it is then of empty nothingness. The sword gives me purpose, gives me a light to fight the darkness that still eddies at the base of my mind. These thoughts distract me, enough for Nadia to once again send me sprawling on the cold ground.

The brunt of the icy chill now kept at bay by the warm layer of my leather jacket, trousers, and boots. The material lined with speckled wolf fur, and the symbols of my family and clan. The wolf for my mother, the crow for my aunt, and the elements for the Natura. Flames for fire, a tree for earth, blue drops for water, and leaves for air.

Nadia smiles down at me, her heavy pants moving the material of her own garments. The same as mine, except for the lining of crow feathers and the black circle for the element of darkness. These clothes a symbol of our station as warrior maidens. A gift from our grandmother when we rose at dawn.

"These were from my daughters and now they will pass on to theirs," she had said. "To be bestowed upon you when you first shift by your own will."

A tradition carried out when a Natura member learns to control their shift. It is also when our skin appears, a cloak that embodies our animal soul, that is gifted by the Queen of Life. So that all her children will be protected from the harsh elements of nature, if no clothing can be found.

To remind us of our link to the animal inside us.
Be it wolf fur, a lions mane, or crow feathers, it appears wrapped around our weary forms in the darkest part of the night. Our soul appearing above our bodies, before splitting in half. One part descending back into us and the other, wrapping around us and slowly changing from light to an animal pelt.

An occurrence that is presided over by family and mates. A ritual done with the burning of herbs and the chanting of prayers. I had grandmother and Nadia to carry out my ceremony, while Soren and Damaris had watched in raptured silence. The room holding only us, for it is both a private and sacred event.

Gratias Agimus Tibi Magna Mater
Enim Ex Hoc Beatam Donum
Nos Promittere Memini
Tua Misericors Misericordiam

My family whispered this chant over and over. Until my fur skin had fully enveloped me in the warmth gifted by Regina Vertu. As the sacred herbs burned calming smoke into the dark chamber. Damaris never leaving my side, even when I clamped his hand in pain. The ritual completed when the goddess left her mark, a blooming tree, upon my shoulder.

A mark that all Natura receive upon this blessed event. It is a sign that she still lives, that her power lives on inside us. The symbol of our faith to the land, sky, and sea. One that some part of me hopes to share with my mate. For as long as I have him and as long as he has me. After it was done, we all parted ways to sleep. Damaris kissing my hand before I followed Nadia to our own chambers. A now familiar warmth fills my chest as I glance towards one of fortress windows. My sharp sight finding the forms of Damaris and Soren, looking down at us with wide eyes.

"Cousin," I say, "I believe we have an audience."
Following my gaze, Nadia cocks her head and smiles with teasing glee. "Oh how lovely, shall we invite them to join us?" she says.

Standing up from the ground, I take stalk of the soldiers on the training grounds. They spar against wooden men, shoot arrows at painted targets, and fight on horseback with deft blades. With us in the middle, this section marked off for face to face dueling. Slowly but surely, I spy a few of them watching us with naked interest.

"Hmm, and you ask because?" I drawl, my lips twitching with a knowing smirk. Glimpses of memories of our childhood tricks and pranks, flicker through my head. Oh how I've missed Nadia and all the trouble we could get into.

"Because, why not," Nadia replies while setting her sword to the side. "Besides it would be good for them to see what a woman can do." Her face becomes calculating, the tips of her fingers grazing her lip as she thinks out loud. "But how to get them here, and fast?"

Long lost giddiness enters my blood, sidling up to her with my hand on her shoulder I whisper into her ear. An idea formulating in my mind, the thought wriggling in anticipation and wishing to be heard. "They be wolfkin dear cousin, a breed prone to possessiveness," I say. "A flaw that is prevalent in yours more than mine."

"And a tool, that I know how to manipulate well," Nadia utters in kind.

I step away from her as she sets to work. First freeing her long hair from its braid. The dark locks flapping in the wind. Then she opens her jacket, letting the sun shine on the white cloth of her shirt. Passing her jacket to me, Nadia slowly pulls down the sleeve from her shoulder. Baring the almond tone of her skin and unmarked neck. It astounds me how quickly she has recovered, how healthy her body looks after the many herbal concoctions Grandmother has given her.

An unearthly howl, sounds from inside the fortress. The soldiers scatter away from the grounds, leaving us alone save for grandmother sitting upon a collection of warm furs. Her head peers up from her scyring crystal with a frown etched on her face. "Why must you tease the poor lad child?" she scolds.

Nadia rolls her eyes and picks up her sword, the metal gleaming as she turns it this way and that.
"'Tis my nature, Avia, a nature that I will never change," she answers. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must make ready for my mate."

She turns away from grandmother and walks towards the sound of running paws. I wisely go and sit down beside grandmother, my eyes widening in awe as a large gray wolf tackles Nadia to the ground. I hear her chuckle amidst its rumbling growls. Her hand coming up to stroke its wild mane. "It took you long enough my dear wolfen mate," she croons, placing a kiss upon its nose.

"I swear she is as mad as him," I hear Damaris drawl. Startled, I whip my head around to face his laughing eyes. "That she is," is all I can say in reply.

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