Chapter 13-Learning and Blushing

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An hour later I was still watching my cousin and his mate, rolling and snarling on the now decimated training grounds. Wooden targets and practice dummies have been reduced to splinters, the racks of practice weapons now strewn across the damp grass.

From my post on the slanted hill leading down to the grounds, I see a few brave souls have started an attempt at cleaning the mess. Thankfully, Nadia and Soren stopped throwing each other into the wall, now their back to tumbling across the ground. In that time, I have not seen Ivaine or her grandmother intervene. Grizelle continues to stare into her crystal, only stopping every few moments to write in a small leather bound book. Her wrinkled hands holding the feather quill in a gentle grasp. Ivaine, sits almost motionless on the grass. Beside her lies her fur cloak and Nadia's feathered one.

I still cannot wrap my head around how Ivaine's cloak had transformed from pure light. Even now I expect at any moment for it to disappear, every time Ivaine runs a hand through the soft fur. A few wisps of her hair flutter around her face, my hand twitches with a subtle want to pull them behind her ear. But I don't, I consider it a miracle the she allows me to sit down beside her. Our shoulders nearly brushing and the wind gently blowing brisk air onto our faces. I chuckle as I notice animals peering out from behind the bushes behind us. Ranging from foxes and wild ferrets, to a flock of crows and a few winter cardinals.

"Hmm," Ivaine hums turning her head to face me. Her brows raised in question, and her lips pursed in thought. I cock my head to the side and then slowly bring up my finger and point to our four legged audience. She follows my gaze with disinterest, her face then softening when she sees the animals.

"Oh I see," Ivaine says with a slight smile. Bringing up her hand she beckons them over with a curling gesture of her fingers. "Do not be afraid little ones, he doesn't bite, much," she chuckles.

As the animals walk over to us, I suddenly realize she had been referring to me. My neck grows slightly hot with embarrassment, even in human form they can tell what I am. As the foxes and ferrets weave themselves around Ivaine, and the crows settle into the grass beside us, do I voice the question I've had nagging at the back of my mind.

"Why are they so friendly towards you, don't they know that your a wolf shifter?" I gently ask.

"Yes, but she is Natura young prince," Grizelle says with a small smile on her lips. "The Natura are more connected to nature than others, especially for those who the goddess gifted with the power of the elements."

"Why is that?" I ask, raising my brow in question towards her.

Grizelle lets out a long sigh, her head gazing towards the cloud covered sky. A small smile appears at the corner of her mouth, her eyes seemingly faraway as if in a trance. I glance towards Ivaine, her attention now on the small fox kit nuzzling against her chest.

I silence the low growl building up in my throat, that should be me instead of the kit. Except I can't, it took hours to explain to Ivaine the events and aftermath of the hunt. Then hours more to show her my devotion and vow of protection to her, resulting in her approval to attend the gifting of her cloak. Hard work that would be dashed unless I have some sense of control.

I can feel the bond between us growing stronger with every second. The smell of her, a mix of warm rain and burning wood, threatens to undo me. My sleep last night was filled with a burning, a need to hold her against me and kiss her soft skin.

For now, I will tread lightly with Ivaine's ever changing nature. With time and patience on my part, I will help her regain her sense of self, and the return of her sanity. I return my gaze to her grandmother, the wise woman just now coming out of her dream like state. The glaze of her eyes disappearing as her gaze seems to pin me to where I sit.

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