Chapter 8: Ronnie

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After a long day of Logan showing us around, dinner is served.  Logan takes us into the restaurant and I see a whole bunch of people crowing around the serving tables.  Some people are already sitting around tables and eating.  I notice how the people are in a line and they just serve themselves. 

I watch for another moment then take a plate from the end of the table and look at my choices.  Chicken, steak, pasta, mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, salmon, and so much more I want to try it all.

I take a piece of chicken and some scoops of mashed potatoes.  I take a scoop of pasta with spaghetti sauce on it and a roll with butter.  I also take some steamed vegetables and think that’s enough for now.  I set my food down at a circle table and walk over to the bar where Logan told us to get the drinks if we are thirsty.

“Excuse me,” I ask.  The man turns around and leans against the table.  He was a stronger man with a mustache and no hair.  He wore a brown shirt and a white apron. 

“Yes what can I get you, miss,” he says grinning.  His mustache hides his mouth a little.

“Um, may I have a coke?”  I ask in a calm relaxed voice. 

“Sure thing,” the bar tender says.  “And by the way, congrats on becoming an outcast.”  He sets the glass of Coke down in front of me.

“Oh, thanks.”  I say taking the glass of coke.  He grins as he cleans the counter top.

I take a sip of coke and swallow before speaking.  “Um, was everyone there?”  I ask.

“Oh, hell no, there are many more outcast here, but you don’t have to go to all the ceremonies, I guess people just wanted to go to one today.  I don’t know.”  He says turning away to wash a glass.

“Why did so many people go to Lindsey’s? Wasn’t She Logan’s apprentice too?” 

He turns back around still drying of the glass with a rag, “Yes, and I do not know.  I guess she was a big hit.  I think she did the same thing as that girl did today.”

“What girl?”

“You know, I think it was your sister, she fought Blake.  Ah, nobody has come here and done that.  Only she and Luka.”

“They both fought Blake.”  I gasp.

“No, but Luka did fight his brother, Jason.  He almost won when she pulled off a fine move.  When he swung she did a back flip in the air and threw a knife landing straight in his shoulder.  He wasn’t hurt, many say he’s immune to pain, but right there a girl with an extraordinary talent was born.  Logan taught her well.”  His smile disappears after he says that, “Until the incident.”

“I know the incident.  But Logan seems very responsible.”

“He is.  The story people tell you is wrong.  Logan told Luka to run into the building, but saw the planes come overhead.  It was Luka who ran in first before Logan could stop her.   She lost her life that day because of her mistake.  Everyone blames Logan for it, but it was really her fault.  She didn’t listen to him and she paid the price.”

“Oh,” I say taking another sip, “how do you know all this?”

“You learn a lot when you’re a bartender.  People come to get drinks.  They tell stories and the many adventures they had.  I’m not the adventure type.  I like hearing about them thought.”  He chuckles at his own voice.

“Oh, well thanks for the drink . . . um . . .”

“Marley,” he holds a hand out and I shake it.                                                             

“Thank you, Marley.” I smile and walk away with my drink in hand and sit down.  I take a fork and scoop up some mashed potatoes.  They are delicious.  I dip my piece of chicken into them and eat it.  The chicken was moist and delicious. 

Just then Kimberley comes up beside me and sits down across from me.  “Hey,” She says putting down her plate of food and drink of coke as well.  Her plate is almost identical to mine but she has steak instead of chicken, steamed vegetables, and no pasta. 

“So where have you been.”  I ask taking a bite of pasta. 

“Getting my food, and looking around for any sight Blake.”  She hisses at his name.

“You know he really doesn’t hate you.”  I say.

“Oh really, when did you figure that, when he was trying to kill me,” She snaps leaning over the table.  I rock back a little afraid she was going to attack me.  “Um, no need to get jumpy.  I’m just saying, he didn’t mean that, really.”

“Whose side are you on?”  She questions.

“No need to raise your voice, look if it’s that big of a deal we’ll go to Blake’s room later and ask him about it.”

“Oh great, so I’ll have to face him once more after we fought!”  She freaks.

“Kimberley!  Calm down we’re going to talk not start World War 5.”

“We are in World War 5!  Besides he doesn’t like me and I don’t like him, end of conversation.” 

“But I’m telling you he doesn’t hate you.  He might not like you but you guys could find something in common.”  I say.

Kimberley looks at me and swallows, “Ronnie, why are you trying to make me like Blake?”

I hesitate for a moment then answer, “Because, this is our home now and we can’t afford to start making enemies.  And…he might, could be related to us in some way.”

Kimberley rolls her eyes, “Just because Jason and he have the same last name as us doesn’t mean we’re related.  We would have remembered him!”  Kimberley snaps.  “At least I would have.”

“I’ll prove it, after dinner we will go to their room and talk to them.”  I state.

“Even if we want to talk to them how do we know which room they’re in?”  I was at a loss.  Where were we going to find his room number? 

“I guess we could ask the front desk?”  I suggest.

Kimberley huffs and crosses her arms looking away.  “Fine, we’ll talk to them.”  She murmurs half to herself half to me.   

I smile and eat more of my food. 

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