Chapter 13: Ronnie

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I unlike my sister take bus number three.  My school is right next to hers.  She goes to Wover High School while I go to Wover Middle School with Saige and Ivan.  We all start school at 8:00. 

                Before school I go down to the restaurant and get my breakfast.  Pancakes with sausage and strawberries.  I sit down at a table alone when someone pulls a seat next to me.  I look up from my plate and see my friend Danica. 

                “Hey Ronnie,” she says taking a seat next to me.  She has dirty blonde, short hair with blue eyes and little freckles on her face.  She talks in a high pitched voice and is the same age as me but is the shortest person in our grade.  She’s about 4’8 while I’m five foot two, almost taller than my sister.

                “Hey Danni,” I yawn.  Her real name is Danica but she likes to be called Danni.  She wears a blue Platinum Mountain sweatshirt with Platinum Mountain written on the front with black lettering.  She also wears blue jeans and American high tops.  I have on a short sleeved purple shirt with a black sweatshirt on over top of it saying #Ski in white letters.  I wear blue jeans and red sketchers as well. 

                Danni’s parents were killed during their way back from a skiing trip in Utah.  They were driving back in the night and the snow was heavily falling. A car almost hit them, making her dad swerve out of the way and skid off the road into a ditch.  Her dad was killed almost instantly because of no air bag.  She could climb out of the car easily because her window was broken and she is so tiny.  Her mom, wasn’t so lucky.  Her seat belt was jammed and she couldn’t get it loose.  Danni tried to help her but nothing would work. 

                Her mom gave her a necklace she was wearing and told her to always remember them.  After that Danni ran up to the side of the road and tried to wave someone down for help.

                She told me Commander Axel found her.  She told him what happened.  He told her to wait at the top of the rod while he checked the crash out. 

                When he came back he was carrying her mom’s bag and her bag.  He threw them in the back of his car and knelt down to her eye level, which must’ve been pretty far down seeing how short she is now.  He told her, her mother is dead and her father was killed due to a pierced lung.  He told her about himself and takes her beck here.  They were already in Michigan, only a few miles from where she lived.

                She was eight and a half years old when she came here.  I met her when she came through the doors.  And from then on, Kimberley and I have been like her adopted sisters.  She is sometimes really annoying and can be loud, but all in all, no matter how many times she annoys the hell out of us, she will always be our sister.   

                I swallow a splash of orange juice.  “So how are things at the medical base?  Learning new technics?”  Danni is not a regular soldier, she doesn’t train in fighting and combat.  She is learning how to become a doctor in the medical facility downstairs.  She likes the idea of saving people’s lives and she is one of the few people who doesn’t barf when she sees blood and bones sticking out of people’s bodies.  Unlike Kimberley and I, we faint almost on the spot. 

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