Chapter 38: Ronnie

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Oh God, I'm sorry I haven't been able to update in forever.  God school gets in the way of everything it seems like.  But I finally finished another chapter.  I feel really bad I haven't been updating.  i really want to.  I wish I could just stay in my room and write all day, but sadly life gets in the way a lot.  But here's the next chapter!  Hope you all enjoy!!!!!

I was awake during Kimberley and Jason’s talk.  Kimberley irritates me so much sometimes when she claims she’s fat, or a nobody, or in this case a monster. 

                After I’m sure Jason and she are asleep.  I get up and walk over to her coat and find the journal she brought.  I open it to the second page and begin to write.

                Day 1 Night,                           

So today was interesting.  We traveled for what seemed like hours and then ended up in a ghost town you could say and Kimberley battled a man bull.  She killed him.  Yet it wasn’t that sad since he killed people before him in the ring.  Besides that.  In the ghost town we found a woman named Razor.  She helped us get directions and told us a story on how she even escaped the facility.  So it’s not impossible but it is hard. And then we ended up in this very creepy hotel.  Or motel, if there’s a difference.  And it smells like death and cigarettes and old people.  So, in short terms, it smells awful.  But I guess it’s better than sleeping out in the woods. 

                                      Checking in,


          I shut the book and turn off the light.  I walk over and slip the book back into Kimberley’s coat.  I see her shift on the bed but she doesn’t wake up.  I sigh and slide back under the covers and fall asleep.   


I’m awaken when someone shakes me frantically.  I moan not wanting them to go away.  “Ronnie!”  I hear someone snap impatiently.  I open one eye and make out the face of Blake. 

                “We are leaving.” He says.  I groan and yawn.  Then sit up and fumble with covers trying to untangle myself from the sheets.  I crack my back and neck from an uncomfortable night sleep.  I put my feet on the ground and feel the cold, hard carpeted floor.  I sigh and walk to the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. 

                “No time princess,” I see Kimberley peak her head in.  I turn in surprise and see her already in her Assassins outfit.  She wears her hair in a side braid, with some hairs falling out of its places.  “We need to keep moving.”

                “What I can’t even brush my teeth?”  I say. 

                Kimberley sneers, “Hurry up.  Everyone else already did.  We need to hurry.”  She closes the door allowing me some privacy in the small room.  I take a toothbrush and start to scrub my teeth.  Fats and hard getting the tough to reach parts. 

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