Chapter 37: Kimberley

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I watch the man try to ram me into the corner of the ring.  His large fists comes over my head.  I pounce to one side, doing a shoulder roll to get back to my feet.  I kick my leg out, hitting the man in the backs of his knee making him fall to.  I’m about to punch him when he grabs my hand at the last second squeezing it.  Pain surges throughout my body, but I have enough sense to kick my leg up into his groin. 

                He releases my hand and I kick him in the gut then pull back and hit him across the face.  He yells in pain launching out, trying to grab me.  I step back then stomping on his head.

                That is a mistake, because he reaches up and takes my leg pounding me to the ground.  He twists me around so I’m lying flat on my stomach.  Then he pushes my leg back towards my head.  People were cheering for their champion.  They want him to win. 

                I dig my nails into the floor embracing the pain trying to think of a plan.  I now use my other leg to thrust up under his chin.  He cringes at the pain, giving me time to slip my leg out of his grip and quickly turning around punching him in the face.  He falls to the ground but soon gets back up.  I haven’t even made a dent in his fighting skills, but his weak point is, he’s already fought two fights before this.  He’s probably exhausted from before. 

                I decide to use that against him I get to my feet and he regains his balance.  He snorts like a horse and runs towards me like a bull.  I get in a crouch and at the last second, leap to the side making him ram into the wires of the ring.  I get to a corner and wait for the bull to get his balance back.  He charges again this time with out-stretched arms. 

                I grin as I roll under him.  He crashes into the corner hurting his head.   I wait for his next move which is again to try and tackle me.  The only problem is, my speed only happens for a short period of time.  I feel my body start to slow down but I know the man is more exhausted.  I take my chance.  While the man his crouching low trying to catch his breath, I run up and wrap my leg around his neck in a head lock.  We both fall to the ground, but my leg is still wrapped around him.  I’m in a position where I’m actually sitting on his throat.   As he squirms against it, I only wrap my leg around harder.  His eyes are full of panic and fear.

                He is starting to lose breath quickly but I just keep squishing his throat.  He scratches against my leg trying frantically to get me off him, but I won’t let him.  I keep my leg wrapped around him.  Then I don’t feel anything.  My body goes into shock and I scramble off the man.  He lies their limp.  His eyes still open and his mouth drooling. 

                I gasp in horror at the sight.  Everyone in the bar looks at the man in disbelief.  Then all eyes turn to me. 

                I stand there in the ring looking over the man’s body.  “I killed him.”  I whisper to myself. 

                “Praise the new Champion.”  The man’s voice, who told you place your bets, yelled out again.  Everyone still stared in shock.  I look at everyone’s faces.  I have a feeling they want to kill me.  Then I spot Razor behind the bar.  She has her arms crossed smiling at me.  Like she knew I was going to win.

                I don’t grin back at her but jump down from the ring.  Blake, Saige, and Ronnie give me back my weapons and I string them around myself again.  “We need to leave, now.”  I declare pulling Blake’s arm and the two girls follow. 

                Once we leave the bar the fresh air opens up our lungs.  I take in a deep breath before rushing back to Jason and Ivan.  Jason is asleep in the front while Ivan just hangs out in the back.  

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