Chapter 35: Kimberley

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A/N: Ok first time I posted this chapter it was the wrong one.  I'm sorry.  The one before is actually chapter 38.  I'm really sorry for the confusion!  It's my fault and I hope this will help straighten out the story again. 

Ronnie and I head up stairs taking our bags of stuff.  We decide to head outside so we don’t wake Jama. I adjust the straps of my backpack on my back.  Before we head outside in the snow. 

                “Jama will see our footprints!”  Ronnie says coming to a halt.     

                “Remember, we’ll be long gone before Jama ever gets up.  Now let’s go.”  I grab her wrist and pull her along to the front of the house.  “Do you have everything?”  I ask sitting on the front patio in the turnaround circle. 

                Ronnie takes her bag off looking inside it.  All her weapons ware around her with enough bullets for the guns. “Yeah, I think I got everything.”  She says slipping the bag back over her shoulders.  “What about you, did you bring money?”  She asks.

                “I think I swiped a few thousand.  It’s all I could get.”                                                                                     

                “That will probably work!”  Ronnie says sarcastically, like it’s a lot.  But I know better.  A few thousand isn’t that much now, with all the food and medicine we’ll probably have to get on the way, our money will be gone in a few weeks.  I don’t know how long it will take to get Logan back, but I know it will be more than a week if we travel at the rate I’m believing we will go at. 

                Jason can’t drive forever, we’ll need to stop at some hotels and, if we can’t, we’ll have to camp out in the truck our find our own place to sleep in the woods. 

                “How do you think we’ll get there?”  Ronnie asks taking a seat next to me, wrapping her scarf tighter around her neck.

                I grin pulling out a little note book.  I open up to the first page and date it.  Day 1, I write.  I hand the book to Ronnie.  She looks confused as she takes it.  “Thought we could calculate the number of days we were traveling and what we were doing on each day.  Everyone can write in it.”  I say warming up my hands.  “I brought another just in case.  You can do the first entry if you want.”

                She examines the journal by flipping the pages until she gets to the end.  She sighs and hands the book back to me.  “Your journey, you start it.”  She says.

                I take the journal back and open up to where I wrote the day.  

                Day 1 24:51 hours,

Well guess this is it.  I’m leading my family into the great unknown as we start on this journey to rescue our Commander, Logan, from the clutches of the Unions.  I don’t know what awaits us out there, but I pray to God we all come back alive.  I do not want to die out there knowing we snuck away not telling anyone.  Hopefully, if we return, they will understand.  They have to.  It seems as though the world is upon our shoulders.  And it shouldn’t be like that.  We’re kids for God’s sake.  We shouldn’t have to worry about war.  But I have to keep telling myself that we aren’t just kids, but Outcasts.  And Ronnie and I are not just kids and Outcasts, but Assassins.  And maybe when we return, we’ll have a better understanding of what we’re truly up against.

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