Chapter 31: Kimberley

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As we reach Jama’s house I see Roscoe approach the door.  His fangs bared as he barks trying to protect the house.  But as soon as Jama comes to the door and opens it showing Roscoe that we are harmless, he calms down. 

                I walk in carrying my backpack around my shoulder.  Ronnie follows close behind me having her arms crossed in front of her.  Ever since we left the Lodge she’s been tense.  I wonder what happened at dinner but I decide to ask her later.  She doesn’t seem to want to talk at the moment. 

                She closes the door behind her and drops her backpack on the floor walking past Jama and me making her way to the couch.  I drop my bag and Jama and I watch her flop herself down on the couch lying flat on her stomach.  “Jama, can we please not do the mile run today?”  She mumbles half asleep.  “I’ve had a rough day and can’t find the will to bring myself to even train today.”

                Jama turns my way.  I shrug, “I can’t blame her Jama, and you know how I feel about long distance running.” Ever since we started training with Jama, he has made us run a mile every day.   Long distance running is not my specialty.  If you ask me to do the 100 yard dash, I can do it every time but say running a mile, no.  My body wasn’t built for running. 

                Jama sighs, turning from me to Ronnie.  “Alright, but that just means more core work and working on your upper body.”

                “Can we please just take a day off today, we’ve been working hard all week.”  Ronnie groans from the couch.  “I think my muscles are noodles.” 

                I give Ronnie a dirty look but she doesn’t see me.  “Shut up Ronnie.”  I hiss.        

                “Well it’s true!”  She says sitting up snapping at me.  “We haven’t had a day off yet.  Our weekends are always occupied with homework and training and during the week is the same thing.  Sometimes I’m shocked at how good my grades are.  I can’t believe I’m still doing that well.” 

                I can’t argue with that.  My grades have been dropping from B’s to C’s and A’s to B’s.  I’m just surprised I only have two C’s but everything else is in the B range.  I don’t know how I do it all.  But it turns out, I do know, I just don’t want to admit it. I have no social life.  I never “hang out with friends” or go to the movies or do any fun stuff like that.  If someone asked me to hang out, I wouldn’t even know how to do it. 

                I turn my eyes to Jama who is staring off into his own world. I wave a hand in front of his face making him come back to us.  “Sorry, just thinking.”  He says hobbling over to the couch groaning as he sat down.  I follow sitting on the end next to Ronnie’s feet. 

                I push her feet away from me as she tries to lay them on top of me.  Although she attempts again grinning like it is a joke.  “Get off me you little brat!”  This time I throw her legs down making her fall off the couch pounding the ground.

                “Ow!”  She screams.  Her eyes turns to me.  Then she gets up angrily and slashes out with her finger nail claws.  I dodge them though and grab her wrists squeezing them as hard as I can.  “Ow, ow, owwww!”  She cries out in pain then starts tries to kick me.  I then release my anger and push her back on the couch.

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