Chapter 35

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"Cute scarf, Kat," Maryn tells me one I meet the circulus downstairs to go to Dorian's.

"Thanks Mar." I smile slightly at her while Killian stares at it, his eyes consumed with guilt.

Knox narrows his eyes. "It's hot outside." Ugh, Knox is annoyingly observant, always looking for inconsistencies to poke holes in.

"I get cold easily," I shrug. Killian's jaw clenches.

What? It's not a lie.

"We're going to be late," Gabe mutters, looking at his watch and pacing.

"Human clock," Layla whispers to Kage, who grins at her, his shadows scattering slightly.

Killian flicks his hand and opens a portal, and the rest of the circulus goes through, but he doesn't move.

I grab his wrist and tug, but he doesn't budge.

"Killian, let's go," I whine.

He just stares at my scarf.

"You're so annoying, Killian," I say, irritated. "Let it go. Notice how I literally do not care at all? Take notes."

He puts his hand on the back of my neck. "Let me make it up to you," he says softly. "Or make up for it as much as I can."

I roll my eyes. "That's really unnecessary."

"Chicken nuggets and movies tonight," he says, his voice firm.

I sigh. "If I agree, will you let this go?"


"Fine. But quit staring at my neck or I'll bite yours again," I tell him playfully, and his eyes widen.

"You— I..." he shakes his head, but a small smile tugs on his lips. "Quit flirting with me. Let's go."

And we go into the in between.

I don't feel so in between anymore.


We're sitting around the conference table, and once again, Killian forced me to sit to his right, and pulled my chair closer to him, which I pretend to not notice.

"Alright," Dorian begins, sighing. "We've eliminated werewolves and vampires as being the ones responsible, but who does that leave left?"

"Hunters?" Jae suggests, dark circles framing her eyes. She hasn't slept more than a few hours a night for the last few weeks, though it's not anything she would ever admit to the circulus.

"Where was the most recent confirmed hunter attack, closest to us?" Killian asks Gabe.

Gabe immediately responds, "50 miles South from our current location coordinate."

"50 miles? That's not too far," Adon says thoughtfully. "Close enough to be able to come often to steal our people, far enough so they think we may not suspect them."

"What would hunters want with vampire and werewolf blood?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing. This doesn't seem right.

"Maybe it's a unique form of torture?" Layla suggests.

"Hunters don't torture," Gabe interjects. "They just want to annihilate our kind as quickly as possible; they wouldn't care about torturing them."

"Unless if they thought the people they took would know something," Knox says slowly.

"Did you find any kind of link between the vampires of yours they took?" Killian asks Dorian. "Something that connects them besides that they're in your coven."

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