Chapter 32

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"Katrina, what's wrong?" Killian asks, his voice frantic.

"I-I," I try to tell him what I Saw, but I just cry harder, burying my face into his shirt.

Killian's arms tighten around me. "Shh, it's okay, darling, everything is fine," he says soothingly, and strokes my hair.

I'm sobbing so hard, I start hiccuping.

"Just tell me what's wrong," Killian begs desperately. "I'll fix it, I'll make it better, I'll do anything so you stop crying."

Finally, when my sobs die down, and I can breathe again, I ask, "How long was I out?"

Killian looks surprised that it's the first thing I ask, but I have to know. "Seven hours."

I exhale in relief, and look at our surroundings. "We're still at Dorian's?"

At the mention of his name, a dark shadow casts over Killian's face. "Yes. I didn't know if you would be waking up soon. I figured if you Saw something, you would want to tell him." He practically spits the word: "Immediately."

I nod. "I need to talk to everyone, right away," I say urgently, struggling to get out of his arms.

They tighten even more. "Hold on. Cann you tell me what you Saw first?"

I wince.

"It'll be easier to show you."


We're back at the conference table. Killian told me that the circulus spent the last seven hours talking with the vampires, trying to figure out a link between the missing people.

He didn't have to tell me that he spent the entirety of the time I was unconscious with me.

Dorian makes eye contact with me, and I show him what I Saw.

He makes a strangled noise, swearing under his breath, his eyes wide.

"What did you See?" Jae asks anxiously, and I wince. Her poor mate.

"Can I have a piece of paper and two pencils?" I ask quietly, my insides frozen solid.

Dorian moves with lightening speed, and the supplies are in front of me immediately.

Taking in a deep breath, I hold the two pencils and close my eyes. I begin to draw what I Saw with both hands.

"That's incredible," Dorian says breathlessly as I begin to draw.

Killian snarls at him sharply.

A few minutes later, I'm finished. I push the paper to the middle of the paper, unable to look at it without feeling sick.

Everyone crowds around the drawing.

"They're..." Maryn chokes, grabbing her throat.

"They're being drained of blood," Dorian finishes lowly, looking at the drawing.

I drew two people chained to a wall. A tube was jammed into a vein in their throat, and they were draining the blood into a tank.

Collecting a sea of blood.

"That's Layton," Mila gasps, her eyes shining in horror as she looks at the picture.

Dorian swallows. "Layton is from our coven. Do you know the other person in the picture?"

I look at Killian. His eyes are full of despair. I quickly look away.

"That's Jason," Layla says, sobbing.

I wince again. "That's not all..." I say slowly. "There were more... at least two dozen of them like... that."

Before anyone realizes what's happening, Jae pulls out a stake, and charges at Dorian.

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