Chapter 25

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There are no dreams while I sleep. There is nothing.

And it's so blissful, I'm almost in tears when I wake up.

Killian's arms are still wrapped around me just as tightly as they were when we fell asleep, like a cocoon. A cocoon of silence.

There is nothing I am more appreciative of then the silence. The nothing.

It's why my death no longer scares me. Because at least there will be nothing. I will be nothing.

And so, I keep my eyes closed, and allow myself to fall back into a sleep full of nothing.

I even smile as I do so.


When I wake up again, one of Killian's hands rests on my lower back, my shirt riding up slightly so his skin touches mine, and the other one is stroking my hair.

I stiffen at the contact.

I'm not used to being touched. Especially not skin to skin.

Not only because people have always avoided me, knowing that if they touch me, I'll probably See something bad about them, but because I avoid them too. Just as a desperate attempt to have some silence.

But Killian's touch is the silence.

I relax and fall back asleep.


I finally pry my eyes open.

"Morning, dear," Killian grins. "You slept so long I was worried you slipped into another coma."

I should panic about the lost time, but I was too relaxed after finally getting the much-needed sleep.

"How long?" I ask calmly, my head still resting on his chest.

Killian glances at the clock. "It's 3:00 p.m."

Well, that's not too bad. At least it wasn't a full day.

"No nightmares?" Killian smiles, his eyes twinkling in pure happiness.

"No nightmares," I confirm, unable to stop myself from smiling back.



Killian looks thoughtful. "What's it like? Being a Seer?"

"It means always winning at chess," I say wryly, and Killian laughs.

"Even against Gabe?"

"Even against Gabe, but I wouldn't bring that up with him. It's a touchy subject," I shake my head slightly.

Killian's chest shakes with laughter underneath me. "Seriously, what's it like? Getting to know the future?"

My smile falters. "It's not as great as you would think. My head... it isn't my own, not really. It's filled with visions of other people's lives, their thoughts, their fears, their hopes, their futures."

"Do you See a lot of bad things?" He asks curiously, playing with a piece of my hair.


Too many.

"Good things?"

I smile slightly. "Yeah, I See good things. Not all futures are bad."

"What's the happiest thing you've seen happening in the future?" He asks, sounding completely fascinated.

I comb through the million futures I have filed away in my head, and decide on the one that makes my heart warm.

"Knox," I look up at Killian, grinning genuinely. "He finds his mate and they have three pups together. He doesn't scowl as much in the future."

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