Chapter 12

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Layla giggles, and Maryn snorts, "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

Killian runs a hand through his hair as Akoni frowns at him. "You didn't tell them?"

"I wasn't sure," He muttered. "Didn't want to worry them unless there was reason to."

Jae glares at Killian. "Vampires? Have you lot lost your minds?"

Killian shares a look with Akoni, who nods once. "The Viatoribus aren't exactly the wolves you think they are," Killian says slowly, and sighs. "Akoni, you should be the one to tell them."

Akoni looks at the ground in front of him, his dark eyes not making contact with anyone. "The Viatoribus, according to common legends, are a group of peaceful, nomadic wolves that travel simply because they like to see the world. That... That isn't quite all there is to it."

My Sight isn't aiding my understanding, I'm just as confused as the rest of the circulus at Akoni's words. I mean, vampires? That's insane.

Then again, I can see the future. So how insane are people who drink blood compared to that?

"The Viatoribus don't travel because they like to. It's because we have to," Akoni pauses, and Killian looks somber. "We travel because we go around the globe neutralizing threats. Sometimes packs, sometimes hunters, sometimes others.

As Viatoribus, it is our duty to preserve peace. Sometimes taking down certain groups of people is the only way to do that. We have destroyed packs, covens of vampires, witches, or groups of hunters. We only get involved when it's absolutely necessary. When they present a clear threat to peace."

"Vampires and witches?" Gabe asks in disbelief. "There's no existing literature that confirms their existence."

Akoni shakes his head. "They stay well-hidden. Vampires hide in the cloak of the night. Witches could easily conceal themselves with spells. They wisely choose to stay away from werewolves and not get involved. For the most part."

"Why would vampires steal werewolves?" Jae asks, clenching her fists.

Killian looks to Akoni. "Are there any vampire covens in the area of Crimson Shadow?"

Akoni rubs his jaw. "I would have to check the Archives."

"The Archives?" Gabe repeats, mesmerized.

Akoni nods once. "The Archives consist of all the ancient texts and scrolls the Viatoribus have collected throughout the centuries. I'm sure there would be something of relevance in there to you."

"It's not here," I say quietly, frowning. "You don't carry much with you, especially not archaic, heavy books. Where is it?"

Akoni grins slightly at me. "I'll have to show you."

"And me!" Gabe blurts out. "I have to see this."

Killian shakes his head slightly. "Only three people can enter the Archives at a time. It's a... safety measure."

"The building has self-protective features," I say, my Knowing finally clueing me in. "If more than three people tried to go in, it would lock down completely. Is... Is it underground?"

Akoni blinks twice. "That... That's correct. Your Sight is so strong... it's remarkable. I haven't met an Oracle like you in years."

Killian glares at Akoni. "Don't even think about it, frater. She's my Seer, get your own."

Akoni frowns. "We should get going. It won't be long before it's dark, we'll want to leave the Archives before nightfall."

"Who are you taking?" Knox asks Killian.

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