Chapter 46

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"Please, eat," I beg Layla, who stares at her plate, her eyes glazing over.

She doesn't answer, just continues staring at the food, her slight body frozen solid.

I have seen Layla in many conditions, happy, sad, angry-Gods, can she get angry- but never catatonic.

"Layla, eat," I snarl, a surprising amount of rage flashing through my body. My emotions have been everywhere, as they do before a wolf becomes of age, and it's even stronger for those of Alpha blood.

She jumps in surprise, her eyes flickering up to meet mine.

"Sorry," I apologize, pulling my shadows back in, forgetting to put a reign on them. "I-I don't know what's gotten into me."

"Do you think Killian is going to be mad at us?" Layla whispers, her eyes devastated. "We failed him. We failed them both."

I sigh, moving to sit in the chair next to her, and pull her into my arms, and as soon as I do, she starts sobbing.

It shatters my heart into a thousand pieces.

"S-She's going to die," Layla sobs, soaking my shirt with her tears. "A-And we couldn't stop it."

"There was nothing we could do," I murmur, rubbing her back, wishing there was anything I could do to save Katrina, to soothe Layla.

"We suck," Layla cries, her body shaking harder.

"Stop," I say, pulling away and grabbing her by the chin, forcing her to look me in the eyes. "We did everything we could. You have to hold it together, Layls. Killian is going to need us to be strong, to be there for him once she passes. You can't fall apart or he will too. Do you understand me?"

Her eyes widen, then dialilate as her lips part slightly.

"Layla," I whisper, my heart racing for some reason.

"I have to go feed my dog!" she says in a high pitched voice, practically flying out of her seat and out of the Pack House.

"What the fuck," I mutter to myself in disbelief, shaking my head slightly. Layla is as confusing as she is gorgeous.

And she's the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

The Pack House is quiet, everyone in the circulus having stayed away to give Killian privacy while Katrina takes her last breaths, but I have to stay to be here for him once she's gone.

My brother would not handle her death well.

The entire pack could feel his pain, his agony, and it was so powerful, so debilitating, if another pack attacked us right now, they would easily be able to slaughter us.

I had no doubt that my brother would try going on a rampage after her death, likely starting with trying to slaughter the vampire coven. Perfectly controlled, my brother, until he isn't.

And Katrina has always been the one person that unravels him.

Rage floods me, my claws extending and sinking into the table, before I rip them out.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

We were supposed to save her.

Layla was right. We suck. We failed them.

Katrina had already said her goodbyes, to all of us individually. Made me promise not to stay in the shadows.

My breathing turns heavy as my chest tightens. Katrina was too good for all of us. Too good for her Sight.

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