Chapter 43

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I suddenly remember that he isn't supposed to know that I'm dying.

"Killian, I'm just... um..." I start to say, trying to come up with a lie on the spot.

"Don't bother," Killian says lowly, but not angrily. "Dorian told me about the Curse of the Seer."

Fucking Dorian.

In that moment, I couldn't tell if I was upset or happy that Killian knows, because he's here, and that's all I've wanted for the last two weeks.

"He... He said you don't have much time left," Killian says, sounding choked up. "Please. No more lies. How much time do you have left?"

"Two weeks," I say, my voice the ghost of a whisper.

Suddenly, I hear the door crashing to the ground, and I jump. Killian wraps an arm around me.

"Say the word and I'll kill him, Katrina," Ares says, and I Know she's holding up some kind of weapon.

"No, don't," I say quickly. "I..."

"I'm taking her home," Killian says, as calm as ever.

Ares pauses. "Katrina, if you don't want to go with him, just tell me and I'll slaughter him here and now."

Killian scoffs, and I'm sure he rolled his eyes. I actually wasn't sure who would win a fight between them.

"No, I want to go," I say softly, and I do. I want to be near him, so close to him that my Sight is silenced as much as it can be, but I want to be far from him, so far that he can't see how much I'm suffering.

My suffering is nothing I can't deal with, but to see Killian suffer... it would be unbearable.

"Killian, you're lucky I owe Katrina so many favors," Ares says, a chill to her voice. "Otherwise, I'd enjoy seeing how red the Ultimum Viatorem bleeds."

I frown at that, but Killian chuckles. "Ares, there's no line Cain wouldn't cross for you. I'm afraid where my darling Katrina is involved, there's nothing I wouldn't do, either. Surely, you understand."

Ares pauses. "You know that Cain is never going to have an alliance with Crimson Shadow ever again, right?"

"Like I said, nothing I wouldn't do." Absolutely no regrets in his words. I wonder what exactly he said to piss them off so badly.

"You should leave before Cain comes," Ares advises. "Make sure to take the fur pelt on the bottom. Cain Charmed it so it would stay warm."

My throat dries. Cain was not the same cruel Blood Alpha he was before meeting Ares.

Killian stands up, pulling me into his arms, wrapping the Charmed pelt around me.

"Thank you," I tell Ares quietly before Killian has the chance to yank me into the in between.

"Goodbye, Katrina," Ares says coolly, but I can sense her distress and sadness. "If you change your mind, give a call. You're welcome to come back."

Killian snarls at her, and I feel myself being pulled into the in between.

As soon as we hit the floor, I feel nauseated and groan. Killian swears and teleports one more time, and I feel him set me down on the ground, throwing up into the toilet immediately.

Killian sits next to me, rubbing my head soothingly, even though I weakly try pushing him away, not wanting him to see me like this.

Though I suppose I would have to get used to him watching me bleed for the next two weeks.

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