Chapter 5

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"That could mean anything though, right?" Layla asks hopefully.

Jae snorts. "Come on, Layls. Don't be naïve. We know that visions of pools of blood are never a good sign."

"Seas," Gabe corrects quietly. "She said seas of blood."

All of the wolves in the circulus turn to me.

"What does it mean, Katrina?" Maryn asks, tilting her head.

I shake my head slightly. "I... Don't know. Not all of my visions have clear meanings. Someone could also be tampering with them..."

"Tampering?" Killian frowns. "How is that possible?"

I shrug. "It's always a possibility. Finding blind spots in my Sight. It doesn't help that I probably haven't met the person responsible, which will obscure my visions even more."

"So, if you meet them, you would know?" Maryn asks, looking hopeful at this.

I shrug. "Maybe. Maybe not. Hard to say. My Sight isn't very consistent."

"That's helpful," Knox mutters, and Maryn smacks him in the head.

"Knox meant to say: Thank you for your help, we'll take what we can get," She corrects, glaring at Knox.

Again, I shrug. Knox doesn't trust Seers. Most people don't, and for good reasons.

"How can we improve your Sight?" Kage asks quietly, and I almost forgot he was there, he's so quiet.

I sigh. "Maybe we can go to the location that Jason was taken from? I might see something related to that."

"Tomorrow," Killian says, his voice firm. "It's late, and you've already strained your Sight enough for tonight. After you rest, we can go."

I roll my eyes. I know my limits better than he does, but it is his pack, so I listen to him. Pulling back on my gloves, I bid the circulus goodnight, and Layla pulls me in for a hug, surprising me. Physical contact isn't something I'm familiar with, and don't particularly like.

As she hugs me, I get a vision of her crying, and collecting her tears in a small vial. I jump back in surprise from the vision, and cough slightly, and I taste blood. Perhaps Killian is right, and my Sight has been strained enough for tonight.

I quickly excuse myself and go into my bedroom, collapsing on the bed. My energy is completely depleted. Then I hear a knock at the door.

"Yes?" I call out.

Killian walks in, and I raise my eyebrows. "Since when do you knock?" I ask in amusement.

Killian gives a wicked grin. "I've given you enough scares today, we'll resume tomorrow."

"Great," I scowl. Should have known this was too good to last.

He sits on the edge of my bed, the corners of his mouth turned down slightly. "What did you see when Layla touched you?" He asks.

I frown. It won't make sense, almost none of my visions do, but I tell him anyways. "She... Was crying. Put her tears in a small vial."

Recognition flashes across his face. "I see."

"Does that mean something to you?"

Killian smiles slightly. "Layla has a... unique Gift."

I wait a few moments for him to tell me, and when he doesn't, I scowl. "Share with the class, Killian, we're dying to know."

"She has poisonous tears," He says simply. "Sometimes if we need to, uh, take care of someone, Layla provides the, uh, equipment."

I laugh. "Layla? No way. She seems so... um..." I struggle to not sound rude. Truth is, Layla seemed kind of ditzy, but in a sweet, endearing way.

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