Chapter Eighteen • Nightmares and Tears

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*Very Long Chapter*

Hi friends! This chapter is MUCH MUCH longer than usual! I didn't want to split it up so you'll have to bear with me! Grab a blanket, your favorite cup of whatever and have patience with me! I was in the flow and decided to go with it!



Jade stayed in William's tent until she became so upset that it felt as the only thing left to do, was scream into the air. A futile and unnecessary act which would give her nothing but a second of relief. If even that. She was so upset with him! Why could he not have stayed for just a little longer?! 

It cannot possibly be this hard to tell a person something! She bellowed within with her eyes opened wide while she inhaled sharply through her nose. 

William had hurried off after Loren had announced his, and a dozen of soldier's, arrival. He had snapped at her right before leaving, right when she had persisted that whatever concerned this messenger, could wait. From the look of her husband, she had pushed him just over the edge, causing him to lash out. The treatment had awakened her temper and she had turned her back on him. Ignoring the immediate apology and plead for forgiveness as soon as he realized that he had taken whatever was on his mind, out on her. 

Just go. Her snarling voice echoed in her mind as she paced back and forth in the tent. 

William had let out an annoyed and frustrated sigh when she rejected him. She had pushed him a second time. 

Fine. He had growled darkly in return, and left. 

"You should sit down, Jade." Elizabeth said calmly, causing Jade to flinch in surprise. She had forgotten that she was not alone while she was caught up in her chaotic thoughts. Elizabeth had joined her in the tent a short while after William had left. She was now sitting contently by the fire in the center of the tent, warming her cold hands.

"I cannot." Jade replied and set off towards the entrance of the tent. I need to get out of  this tent.

"You cannot go and see him right now. He has enough to handle as it is." The soft voice filled the inside of the tent the very second Jade's right hand grabbed on to the curtain of the entrance.

"I am not going to see him." Jade muttered, staring at the fabric that was the only thing between her and that walk she so badly needed. It always cleared her mind to take a walk, preferably outside and close to nature. "I need to go outside, and... I don't know? Kick something?!" She erupted and settled equally as fast as she had spoken, not anticipating her outburst herself. 

"Stay here, my child." Elizabeth told her softly, trying to calm her down without joining Jade in her upset state. "We are at the front - which, might I add - is not a safe place nor an appropriate one for you to take one of your "angry" walks." Jade clenched her fists and let go of the curtain. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying not to smirk at Elizabeth's hidden scolding.

"Why?" Jade argued, although she knew to accept defeat already. Elizabeth was not going to let her leave. 

"The king asked you to stay here, did he not?" Elizabeth asked. 

Knowing that Elizabeth already had the answer, Jade scoffed. "No one asked me anything. He ordered me to stay here." She said through gritted teeth. 

Elizabeth let out a slow, almost condescending, chuckle. "I find that very hard to believe, dear." Before Jade could ask her to elaborate, her governess continued. "I have come to know that no one can order you to do anything."She said, earning herself a bewildered look from Jade. "Not even your king." 

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