Chapter Nine • Her Guard

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*Very Long Chapter*


"Are you not worried?" Jade asked Loren, trying to get him to distract her from her own thoughts when she failed to do so.

They were walking down the road, heading for the city resting below the plateau which the castle stood upon. The sun hid behind thick clouds and a brisk wind occasionally tore at her cloak. A storm was coming. She was surprised that Loren had suggested that they went on this walk. The only times she had went beyond castle walls was when she had tried to run away, sneak off to avoid the royal life or run for her life - if one did not count when William had taught her how to ride.

Jade studied the walls as they passed them, she had not walked outside them until now, not even with William. The winter had been so brutally cold and ruthless that she had stayed inside for most of it, apart from her little strolls in the gardens. 

 It would not have surprised her if William had told Loren to not let her outside the walls in times such as these... Maybe that was why Loren had suggested it? No... He would never go against William like this. Instead, he would have made a whole thing about his duty to keep her safe because his king had ordered him to. 

Could William have foreseen that she would, sooner or later, become dreadfully restless and told Loren that he should accommodate her best he could? One could only ponder... Either way, she was pleased to do something new.

Before Jade had left, Elizabeth had placed a golden circlet on her head. It was constructed out of three golden strings which intertwined in a beautifully intricate but soft looking design. These strings met in a v-formation in Jade's forehead. She had objected to wearing it and asked why it was necessary for her to wear it but her dear governess had insisted. Jade was wearing the circlet or not going at all. She did not understand why it was so important that she wore a piece of headgear for a simple walk, but she had stopped whining when Elizabeth's eyes had turned dark the third time she had objected to wearing it. 

Although, the weather and the circlet did not bother her as much as the four sets of boots marching behind her and Loren did. For some reason, four guards were walking behind them and the sound of their boots hitting the ground in unison with each step ruined the relaxing intent of the walk. Jade turned and studied the guards walking ten paces behind them. She could not help but to wonder if they were there there on William behalf.  Were the guards a term for her to be allowed to go outside the castle walls?  

You are spiraling. Stop it. You have enough to worry, do you not? You really do not need to give yourself more things to think about... She berated herself. 

"Worried about what?" Loren asked and looked over his shoulder at their company, making sure they kept their distance. "Do they bother you, your grace?" He was referring to the guards with a causal nod in their direction. Jade suddenly remembered that she had asked him a question.

"Not as long as they keep their distance." She lied. "Is he the reason to why we are not on our own?" She asked. "And answer my question. Please." She added the last word. 

Loren was being evasive, which he rarely was. He was usually very straight forward, unless he deemed her questions too personal or his answer inappropriate for their relationship as queen and guard.

"They are here on you husband's orders." Loren confirmed. "They have been told not disturb you, but they will always be close by, at least when you leave castle grounds." 

I knew it. William made sure I will not set foot outside the walls without some sort of 'wall' with me. She thought and closed her eyes for a second. His protectiveness never stopped to amaze her. It annoyed her at times. 

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