Chapter Twenty Six • Find Her

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Chaos had exploded and there was blood and carnage every way William turned. A tent up ahead was on fire. Flames licking at every corner of it, spewing smoke into the sky. 

At first sight, William had almost screamed out in panic when seeing the tent. Afraid that Jade could be in it. But those who had occupied it had stumbled out in only their undergarments. All soldiers. Sleep and confusion slowing them down and making them unaware of their surroundings. Without really thinking about what was happening around them, they had turned to look at the burning tent, only to be cut down by William's men before they even knew what was truly happening. Jade wouldn't be left in that tent had she been there, then his uncle wouldn't have any leverage over William. 

Despite having successfully killed the soldiers standing guard as they entered the camp, and managing to sneak in without being seen, the rescue mission had quickly gone wrong. Disastrously.  Yet it had not been caused by the only man William had expected it to be; Stroem. It had actually been Robert whom had been the cause of it all, which he still couldn't fathom. 

Men in close combat swarmed around him. Their faces contorted in blood lust or pain as they clashed together and struggled to come out victorious and alive.

A shout came from Christian somewhere, telling William to sway right. A warning. His body followed before the thought had struck him. One of his uncle's men crashed forward and past him. Having planned to cut William down from behind. With two daggers in his hands and hatred burning in his eyes he watched as William avoided his attack. 

As soon as the man had regained his balance, his eyes were on William. He charged within seconds, not wanting go give William any time to think. 

William clenched the handle of his short sword and stepped into the man's space, depriving him of any element of surprise he might have planned. It was risky. Daggers were deadly up close, even if thrown by someone with the skill and perfect eye .Even if they're not made and balanced for throwing, a sharp point will cut skin if it hits its mark and be the cause of one's death. 

He watched as surprise flashed in his opponent's eyes as he stepped into what could be certain death. The move caused his opponent to drop his guard. The effect William had hoped for. In one fluid motion, William punched him over the nose, using his knuckles and the pommel of his sword. A crunch told him that the nose broke and his opponent groaned and took two wobbly steps back with his eyes closed shut. He walked up, cut the man open from clavicle to gut. A spray of blood hit his face and chest. 

"Stay without reach, you imbecile." Christian suddenly panted beside him. William glanced at his friend and watched the dead man beneath their feet. 

"Worked, didn't it?" 

"With your life at risk." Christian snorted. "If I make it out of this, and we find Jade, I'm telling her you-" 

A group of three men from Rowan's forces cut Christian off as they charged them. One of them went after Christian while the other two singled out William. He gave them a quick inspection but neither they or he got the chance to charge. A hissing sound flew past him and then a wet dull sound as an arrow dug itself into one of the men's throats. With a gurgle and eyes filled with panic, he fell to his knees as blood welled out of his mouth. 

William threw a look over his shoulder and saw one of his men give him a quick nod, while reloading his crossbow. Two tents over, he heard Robert roaring furiously as he bashed in some poor soul's head with a pot. Without a doubt cursing himself out for being the reason for the chaos they were currently standing in. 

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