Chapter Fifty Six • A New Rule

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I am truly sorry for all of the errors in chapter fifty five. I know you will not reread it now but I have corrected all I could find and reviewed it like ten times after that. Whatever is wrong with the app still seems to be wrong somehow! So let me know of you see something weird!

I hope you had a nice week and lovely weekend!

Enjoy the read! 


"I recall nothing about leaving any one in charge before I left." Jade shouted up at the guard. Ignoring the way he started to shake his head in nervousness as he came to terms with the fact that he had, unknowingly, refused his own queen entry through her own gates.  

"Open the gates!" He yelled at those stationed behind the massive gates. "This instant! What are you looking at? Hurry up! The queen has returned!" He waved his right hand fervently at them when they did not move fast enough. Trying to hasten them. "Do I have to come down there myself?!" He shouted, the panic in his voice growing more desperate for each word that left him, and for every second Jade was kept waiting. 

Jade did not let the guard out of her sight, despite hearing the sweet sounding groan of the metal and wood made while the gate was being opened up for her. Suddenly, he disappeared out of sight, probably scurrying down the stone steps to meet her at on the other side of the gates or make sure that they others were working as fast as they could. 

"I am waiting." She called out into nothing, referring to the answer she had not yet received, not to being let in. "Who is in charge?" She repeated her question but with different words. 

When no answer came she made her way towards the back of the cart. She glanced at Eirir, the man looked shocked... stunned almost. His eyebrows raised, mouth agape and his eyes giving away how his mind was not able to make sense of things.

"Alva? Alva is the queen?" Eirir whispered in confusion. His eyes widening when he seemed to piece things together. "Your name is not Alva." He said, Jade shook her head in confirmation. "She is the queen?!" Eirir hissed at Brother Richard as she passed them. Clearly not believing his eyes nor his ears. "Did you know about this?!" 

"Ove." Jade spoke the butcher's name softly. "Would you please help me down? My back hurts something awful and I do not want to fall on top of Muma." 

"Of course, your grace." Ove replied, jumped down from the driver's seat all the while answering Eirir's question without even looking or speaking to the man. 

"She is, and if you want to know the whole story... it will have to wait." Brother Richard answered the farmer while Ove appeared in front of Jade, giving his Muma a soft but decisive shove so she would make way for him and Jade. "I am sure the queen has a lot to tend to now that she is finally back where she belongs." He said. 

A warm feeling spread through Jade's chest at the sound of those last words, she looked back at the monk and found him already smiling at her. She reciprocated it. Turning to face Ove again, she took his outstretched hand and trying to get out of the cart. Barely listening to the half sentences which came out of Eirir as low stuttering sounds.

"Just leave the lad to himself." Ove muttered at the monk when his attempts to soothe the farmer failed. "It is of no use trying to explain all of it to him out here." He added while assisting Jade down. As her feet hit the ground he waved dismissively at Eirir. "By the looks of him, dawn will come before he is back to normal."

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