Chapter 5 • Famished

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*Very long chapter*


"I did not mean any dis-"

"Yes, you did." Jade cut Master Bergen short. A very unpleasant frown appeared in his face. "You clearly already had this discussion with my husband... and you still felt the need to do this." She gesticulated towards the throne room and their spectators. "To shame me in public... So yes, you did mean to disrespect me."

"Your grace!" He gasped theatrically and pulled his hands from his back and reached out towards her. Jade raised her hand, silencing him with her palm. She gave his hands a sharp look. Master Bergen withdrew them slowly, marking his defeat. His dramatic gesture had not worked and annoyance he could not hide, radiated from his eyes because of it.

"Sadly, for you, I am not ashamed. No matter what you think of me, my origin does not change. Which is also sad for you." She continued coldly. "I am what I am." She clasped her hands in front of herself and gave him a chance to speak. He did not take it. He just stood there. She smiled without warmth. "I will always be the daughter of a farmer. No one can take that away from me." Jade hissed and walked up to him. When she stopped, she was so close that the tip of her nose almost touched his sharp chin.

Their gazes were locked together, neither of them releasing the other. 

"Not even your king can take that away from me. His mother tried her best to be rid of me because of it." She hissed the last sentence so quietly that only he would hear her. "And she failed." Slowly, she placed her face next to his and continued speaking.

"I do not need you to think anything of me. I just need you to do as you are told and stop focusing on things which do not concern you. I would advise you to do your duty and help your king by discussing what truly matters to him and his kingdom. Because I clearly matter enough for him to keep me here, even though you tried to convince him otherwise. I am not so sure you matter as much though..."

The air seemed to have left the room. Jade's voice echoed softly but ice cold against the stone walls of the room as she spoke.

"Yes, your grace..." Master Bergen breathed out and bowed his head.

"Do not bow your head." She reminded him sharply while she took a step back from him. "If it will make you feel better, you can address me by my given name instead of my title. I hope that can comfort whatever concern you have about me not being born into royalty, and how that could possibly be the reason for this war." Jade snapped and threw her hands out leisurely to the sides and then clasped them in front of herself again. "Maybe you need to feel superior."

"I would not dream of doing such a thing, your grace." Master Bergen said and kept his head bowed.

"You either show me the respect you think I deserve, or you are relieved from your position at the council." Jade let the words out like a quick stab and watched it bleed as Master Bergen's shocked eyes met hers. "My husband's council is not a place for his mother's snakes." She added in a whisper.

Master Bergen stared at her for a second. His face had lost all color and his gaze shifted to William and his father. In his eyes he could read the words 'you cannot decide this' and 'you hold no such power over me'. 

"Do no look at them. I am the one speaking to you, even though I am of low birth, and a woman. Does that bother you as well?" Jade hissed, gaining his full attention again. "Even though I am a peasant in your eyes, and a woman, as queen I am fully capable of fulfilling what I just said. Your king will not deny me that pleasure, you can be absolutely certain of that."

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