Chapter Twenty Two • Aftermath

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*Very long chapter*


Loren had gone to fetch the young lords as ordered, and they were all here now. But no one spoke. It felt as it was not allowed. The air carried a certain solemnness that made one's tongue tie.

His eyes wandered about the room; king Uldard was sitting by his map-covered table. His right arm propped up against it and his chin rested in its hand. Deep in thoughts, doubtless. The wise eyes stared into nothing and everything while Loren figured his mind was swirling and trying to find a way to resolve this mess. 

William was pacing back and forth in the tent, the only sound he made was the dull thuds of his bare feet hitting the ground. He had not gotten dressed yet. Still in his underwear and a coat he kept pacing. 

Robert and Erik was standing in a corner of the tent, saying nothing, keeping their eyes fixed on William. 

Loren had placed himself in the corner opposite to them, arms crossed and his right leg leisurely in front of the left, resting on its toes. A very unusual stance for him, but there was graver things than how he looked to be considered. From where he stood, he had a full view of the inside of the tent. 

Lastly there was Lord Christian. The one with the notorious ability of not knowing when keep his trap shut. Loren inwardly cursed and rolled his eyes every time the man opened his mouth - but never let it show outwards. The lord seemed to have a curse on his tongue at times - or he simply was not aware of the risks that could come by saying too much and stupid things.

Lord Christian was sitting opposite to the king. Then suddenly, pushed his chair out and puffed his chest and stuck his chin out a bit, appearing as if he was about to speak directly to the center of the room. Hoping that William would pass through his words in his pacing. Hoping to catch his king's attention.

Do not. Do not open that mouth of yours. Loren growled inwardly and slowly blinked as he prayed for silence. Nothing the young lord could possibly say would make any sense, or help in any way. There was not one of them who could imagine or relate to what their king was going through. None of them had had their wife pried from their fingers - only to being told she was carrying a child after she was lost. Making the loss twice as big.

Jade was not Loren's, in any way, but he still felt as if something had also been stolen from him. He had failed her. Failed his king. A part of him wanted to join William in his pacing, but how would that look? Furthermore, what good would it do? None. He was needed here and would stay right where he was until told otherwise.

You failed her. Dark thoughts echoed in his mind and he suppressed the urge to groan from the guilt and shame of it all. It was slowly killing him. You are her guard. That is your only duty - to protect the queen and the heir.

To Loren's great dread, he noticed Lord Christian opening his mouth to moisten his lips, preparing to speak.

I beg of you. Stay silent.

"This might be a stupid question." murmured Christian. The rest of them stayed silent. No one amused him by acknowledging his statement, nor did anyone urge him to continue. No one even looked at him. Except Loren, who watched the lord from beneath his brows.

Do not speak if you already know it will be deemed as dumb. He thought as he watched William pace back and forth in his father's tent. His eyes went left... then right... and then left again. 

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