Introduction and Thank you

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Hello lovelies and welcome to this mediaval corner that is my sequel to The Prince's Choice!

(If you haven't read The Prince's Choice, I highly recommend doing so because this story will make much more sense if you do. You will also get to know the characters much better! But hey, it's totally up to you!)

Thank you so much for all the support and love I have received, and still am receiving, for The Prince's Choice! It has been such a crazy time for me here on Wattpad since so many of you found my baby project! I mean just... WOW!


This story contains the following: sexual content, violent content, sexual,physical and verbal abuse. Please do not ignore this warning and please do not read  the story if you know that the content will cause you any sort of discomfort or harm - I did not write this story to offend anyone in any way and I do not want to you to continue into the story without this information. 

Remember that this is historical fiction

Constructive criticism is as always welcome, as long as it is delivered respectfully.

Without further ado... 


[Written June 2020, revised May 2022]

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