87.0: The Director & Family Troubles

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"People don't resist change. They resist being changed."
― Peter Senge

Crystal had an interesting week since she'd been back, she was really happy to finally be home. Crystal had caught up with everything that's happened since she'd been gone with a girl's night at Garcia's place and JJ had brought wine while Emily brought tequila to comfort Garcia over her break-up with Kevin, Hotch had to come pick up Crystal and Garcia had a bad hangover the next day.

Rossi had taken Crystal out like promised to a nice lunch, Morgan had taken her out with Garcia to catch up, and Reid had read to her all the things he had put in the journal she had gotten him for his birthday. Crystal had smiled at all the things he written down that he had wanted to tell her, she was really happy to be home with her family.

Crystal and Hotch had been spending much needed time together, but she hadn't slept over at his place since the first night she'd been back to reduce the chances of Jack finding them together since last time was a close call. They also had to explain that Hotch and Crystal were together and he was really happy about it, he had hugged Crystal happily and Crystal was so happy she could've cried.

 Hotch would come over to her place and they'd chat, do some paperwork, kiss, and he'd leave. Tonight however was different, Jack was away at a sleepover and Jess told them she'd pick him up and bring him back in the morning.

Crystal quietly checked on her cupcakes in the oven, they were almost ready. It was almost 1 in the morning and she had woken up after an eventful night with Hotch, she couldn't go back to sleep. Crystal sighed as she leaned against Hotch's table, she had slept over at his place to make things easier for them later on today.

It's time to have a meeting with the Director.

Crystal put her frosting in the fridge, she had made frosting to keep her hands and mind busy while waiting for the cupcakes to bake. She wrapped her robe tighter around her as she shivered at the cold, Crystal didn't have the energy to go find where Hotch had thrown her clothes in his bedroom, she relaxed when she felt arms wrap around her. "Hi."

"Hi." Hotch mumbled into her hair, he kissed her neck. "You're not tired?" Crystal turned to face him, "I'm to nervous to sleep, I got anxious and started to bake." Hotch's lips twitched and he kissed her, "You're adorable."

Crystal laughed and shook her head, "I'm being serious, but thank you." The timer went off and she walked away from Hotch to take out the cupcakes, she set them out to cool and Hotch hugged her when she walked back to him. "Everything's going to work out Crystal."

"I know Aaron, but I've been thinking." Crystal confessed and Hotch smiled at her, "Is this the part where you break my heart by telling me you 'want your career first'?" 

Crystal shook her head, "No, this is the part where I tell you that I've made the decision to leave the team if the Director requests that one of us transfer." Hotch's eyes widen, "Archer-"

"I got to achieve my dream of being an Agent already Hotch, I was an FBI Agent for 3 years and it was the best and emotional years of my life. I couldn't ask for more, and I'm okay with giving that up. I'm okay of letting it all go for you, for me, for us. I love the team, but I love you more." Crystal said softly and Hotch stared at her before squeezing her hips, "I'm in love with you."

"And I'm in love with you, I'm so in love with you I know that this job means everything to you and that you've worked hard to be here."

"So have you."

"True, but I'm okay with change and new jobs. I know this job is apart of who you are, I don't want to make you leave. I know you'd leave for me, and that's all I need to know. I know you'd leave the BAU for me if I asked, and that's why I need to leave if the Director asks because that's how I know you're in love with me just like I'm in love with you. This job's been a blessing, and it allowed me to have a new dream. I got to meet you, you're my new dream come true." Crystal confessed and Hotch stared into her eyes before kissing her passionately, Crystal kissed him back and Hotch lifted her up.

Change My Mind ~ Criminal Minds (Aaron Hotchner x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora