10.0: And Out the Other End

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In Mosley Lane Robert Roycewood hangs himself (spoiler), I will make the scene have '*' so you know to skip it if you feel uncomfortable

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."

― Lao Tzu

After they had both finished talking they met up with the team, who were staring with raised eyebrows as they made their way over, and made their way down to the cars after JJ got Aimee's hat from Mrs. Lynch, they split up to cover the houses. Hotch and Crystal got stuck as partners, definitely suspicious that the team did this on purpose, and knocked on the house's door. A man opened up, "Mr. Jenkins, we're with the FBI. We're here to ask you a few questions, do you mind if we come in?"

They did this for other houses and they came up empty handed. They were heading back to the SUV, "Which house is next?" Crystal was about to open her door, but Hotch beat her to it and opened it for her. "We've gone to three so far, Mr. -" Hotch's phone started to ring, he answered and put it on speaker. "You got something?"

"Derek and I are at 2150 Mosley Lane. Only the husband is here, Roger Roycewood, and the wife is out with the kids."

"Does he fit the profile?"

"Exactly, and so does his property. Isolated, can't see the street, extra locks on the doors, they have a minivan in the driveway, and a photo of a boy who looks very similar to Charlie."

Hotch and Crystal shared a look, "Is he onto you Agent Prentiss?" Crystal asked as she hopped in the SUV and Hotch closed her door, Hotch got into the car as well and they both buckled up.

"Without a doubt."

"We're on our way." Hotch hung up and they headed over to Derek and Emily, on the way there they had called JJ and Rossi to tell them what was going on. They arrived at the house, JJ and Rossi were already there.

Rossi walked over to Hotch, "Search warrant?" 

"On it's way with the dogs, if the kids are near or in the house we'll find them." The dogs didn't arrive much after and officers arrived with detectors, a man came out to watch the officers and the dogs searching his property.

That must be Robert Roycewood, he seems calm.

Morgan was talking to him as they passed by to head into the house, when they entered the house they split up to look around. JJ, Crystal, and Rossi headed down to the basement. Rossi pointed at a T.V, "Security cameras of the front door, they knew we were here before we even knocked."

JJ and Crystal walked over to a bookshelf, JJ ran her fingers over hinges. Rossi looked over at them, "What? Find something?"

Crystal looked back at him, "Hidden door, there's hinges here." JJ and Crystal stepped back and Rossi took out his gun, he nodded as Crystal raised her weapon and JJ pulled the door open. When the door opened it lead to an eerie hallway, there seemed to be many rooms. Rossi looked over at them, "Let's get the dogs down here."

Crystal nodded as she headed up the stairs, she saw Emily and went over to her. "We need the dogs in the basement."

"What'd you find?" 

"Secret door, dimly lit hallway, and lots of rooms."

Emily nodded as she went outside to round up the officers, when they arrived Crystal lead them back downstairs. The dogs had lead them to a certain room at the very end of the hallway, Rossi had sent for more officers and they were currently looking for any signs that the children had been there. JJ was holding pictures and Crystal was next to her with the camera, Rossi walked over towards them. "Is that Aimee Lynch?" 

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