28.0: Saying Goodbye

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A/N: Continuation of 6x02 JJ

"If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write."

― Martin Luther

Crystal sighed as she watched Barrett and Pearson lead to different rooms for their polygraphs, she turned to look at Hotch. "You okay?"


That doesn't sound fine.

JJ, Rossi, and Reid walked over to them. "Kate's a smart girl, she would know better to be outnumbered." JJ stated and Emily tilted her head, "What if Pearson said he'd drop Barrett?"

"And he retaliated?"

"Archer and I could work that theory." Crystal nodded, "Could've made her more comfortable, he drops Barrett off and they go out alone." The detective walked over, Hotch looked at him. "When do we get the results?"

"Any minute," The detective cleared his throat, "So, what if they didn't do it? We're back at nothing?" Hotch looked down at his file, "One of them knows where Kate is."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because an innocent person doesn't sit quietly for 3 days, they get angry and defensive." Morgan nodded, "These guys are going out of their way to appear calm, they've got something to hide." The detective looked confused, "Then why the polygraph?"

"To stall, serial killers are master's of manipulation." The detective raised an eyebrow, "Serial killers? There's only one potential body." Hotch looked up from his file, "Serial killing is a qualitative characteristic, it's not just based on numbers." 

Morgan gave a nod, "They've assaulted a different girl before, it was only a matter of time before they did it again." Crystal sighed, "Kate just happened to be the unlucky girl to encounter them." Emily picked up a file, "Barrett is the perfect match for Pearson, his family uprooted from the city forcing him to adapt to his new surroundings which made him eager to fit in."

Morgan looked over at the team, "Pearson's got dominant traits, he's loud, physical, smart, charismatic, and privileged." Rossi looked at Morgan, "Sounds like a peach." Hotch nodded at him, "You should talk to him."

"Gladly." Rossi looked at the detective and he nodded, "I'll take two." Reid and Rossi followed him while Hotch looked at JJ, "How're the Joycer's doing?" JJ sighed, "They lost their son three years ago to leukemia, if we can't find Kate...." JJ didn't finish and she didn't need to, Hotch gave a nod. "If Kate knew these boys better than we thought then you might want to dig."


"It might reveal something, the family might know something we're missing." JJ nodded with a sigh, "I know, but they shouldn't have to go through this." She left to go be back with the family and Morgan looked at Hotch, "We can't lose her Hotch."

"Strauss thinks we're all replaceable." Crystal gave a wry laugh, "Yeah, I've heard it firsthand." Hotch looked at her, "I've went over her head to explain that we're not." Emily sighed, "No one can replace anyone on this team, that's why we work." No one said anything after that, Crystal sighed.

I don't think things are going to end well.


Crystal and Hotch were left alone in the monitoring room as the detective stepped out, she turned to see his left eye twitch. "Okay Hotchner, spill it." 

"Spill what?"

"Something's bothering you, your eye is twitching." Hotch looked over at her, "I'm fine."

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