105.0: Obsessions & Fear Go Hand in Hand

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A/N: This chapter is based on 8x10 The Lesson


Warnings: Implied sexual content, Illness, talks about d*ath, joke about sho*ting someone

"I am crazy enough to think I owe the world a change."
― Michael Davi

Crystal sat on the couch as she held her phone close to her, she bit her lip. "Pops, are you sure you're okay? I can take a few days off, I can come see you." On the other line, she heard her grandpa give off a soft chuckle, "Kuv nyob zoo, tsis muaj dab tsi txhawj txog. (I'm fine, nothing to worry about.)" Crystal let out her own laugh, but there was no amusement behind it. "A fall isn't nothing, it's something."

"You've got work and bad people to capture, and I have your mother, father, Jason, and Amy with me. I'll be fine."

Crystal wiped a tear she didn't realize had fell, "Okay, but call me if anything happens or call me when you're able to leave the hospital. Whatever comes first, okay?" She talked with her grandpa for a few more minutes before hanging up, he sounded exhausted. Footsteps were heard behind her and she turned and smiled, "Hi Jack." Jack walked around the couch and hugged her once he sat down, she hugged him back and rubbed his back. Jack squeezed her in his hold, "Are you sad?"

"No baby, I'm not sad. I'm just worried and overthinking, I'm okay." Crystal assured and sniffled, she wiped her eyes and let go. Jack pouted at her, "I don't like it when you're sad, but it's okay to be sad. Did daddy make you sad?" Crystal laughed at this and she ruffled his hair, "No, he hasn't made me sad in a very long time." Jack smiled at this, "That's good, I want you to be happy." She smiled and pinched his cheek, he was a great mood lifter. Her grandpa had taken a fall at his house, it wasn't a bad one, but it was still a fall. Luckily his neighbor was home, and he was quick to go over and help. The reason why her family was concerned was because her grandpa couldn't understand what his neighbor was asking him, and it was almost like he had forgotten who his neighbor was. So, his neighbor took him to be checked into the hospital to be on the safe side and contacted her family. They were having a few tests ran to see what caused the fall.

"Old people fall all the time." Nick told her over the phone, and she smiled when she heard Megan smack his head. Nick used humor to hide his fears, so Crystal let his comments slide. Tyler was worried as well, but he was gone on a business meeting for his company and she couldn't imagine how anxious he was. Waiting for good news was torture, it had the idea of bad news looming over them all. She knew it was probably nothing but just a random fall, but her grandpa was getting older and older as the years went by. A hand was placed on her shoulder and she looked over at Hotch, he smiled and squeezed her shoulder before looking at Jack. "Hey bud, why don't you go ahead upstairs and get ready for bed? I'll come read you a story tonight, okay?"

Jack nodded and looked up at him, "Crystal won't join?" Hotch shook his head, "I think I'm going to go put Crystal to bed first and then come see you, okay?" Jack nodded again and hugged Crystal one last time before heading up the stairs. Once he was gone, Crystal sobbed and Hotch leaned over the couch to hug her from behind. He pressed light kisses to her neck, "I know, it's going to be okay." Crystal held her face in her hands and hiccupped, she was really scared and Hotch knew her grandpa meant a lot to her. Losing him right now was more scary than anything she's faced in the field, and the fact that it could be reality made her feel helpless.

After she calmed down to where she was only sniffling, Hotch lifted her up bridal style and she rested against him. He carried her up to their room and set her down in the bed, he pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Why don't I go put Jack to sleep, and then I run us a bath?" Crystal hummed and let him tuck her in, "That sounds nice." Hotch left their room after giving her another kiss and Crystal must've fallen asleep since the next thing she remembers is Hotch carefully shaking her awake, "Hey, let's get you washed and clean."

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