93.0: Going Down With The Ship

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A/N: This chapter will be based on 7x23 Hit

"I've come to believe that in everyone's life, there's one undeniable moment of change, a set of circumstances that suddenly alters everything."
― Nicholas Sparks

Spending the holidays with Jack and Hotch in the same apartment was an experience, Crystal still couldn't hold it together whenever she'd remember the baking Hotch and Jack tried to do without her. "How do you get flour and eggs on the ceiling Aaron?"

"I don't even know what happened in the last 10 minutes, don't ask me."

Secret Santa at the BAU was fun as well, Garcia had gotten her a picture of all of them together after she returned from her 'vacation'. That's what they still called it since Crystal didn't want to scare Jack when he already had his dad to worry about, she didn't want to add onto his stress. Garcia also got her many trinkets and a bracelet of a cherry blossom tree, she also did get Crystal some wine that was hidden at home so that Jack wouldn't find it. Jack did surprise her on Christmas though, he once again asked if he'd be getting a sibling any time soon and Crystal just pinched his cheek. "You're lucky you're so cute, this stays between us." 

Crystal did put in her New Year's resolution that she needed to have a chat with Hotch about what information Jack was learning. To many close calls with Jack asking if they were going to have a baby. One thing that Crystal did notice though was how Emily seemed off, like there was always something on her mind. Emily being Emily though would shrug it off, but Crystal wasn't a profiler just for show.

"Whenever you're ready to talk, come talk." Crystal told her and Emily smiled wryly, "You're to good at this." Crystal hugged her close and sighed, "I know, but you love me anyways." The holidays were hectic with cases and adapting to the new changes, but she wouldn't have it any other way. Crystal still got many letters from past students, past victims, and just people who wanted to write to her. It was the day before New Years when she was reading a letter on the couch and someone came to sit beside of her, Crystal leaned onto Hotch and he kissed her head. "Who wrote you this time?"

"Abby did, the girl from the case where that teenager Charlie-"

"Killed people in his town who he thought were looking down on him, you also told him to shoot you instead of me."

"Hey, you did too." Crystal countered as she read the letter, she smiled and looked up towards Hotch, "Apparently, she's got a boyfriend." Hotch chuckled at this, "How's the Sheriff taking it?"

"She hasn't told him, she wanted my advice on that." Crystal answered and Hotch hummed, "Well, what're you going to write to her?" Crystal reread the letter and smiled, "That she shouldn't wait to start a relationship just because she's afraid, if he makes her happy then she shouldn't care what others think." 

Choose to be happy together rather than apart.

Crystal looked up at Hotch and he kissed her, "I think that's good." Crystal smiled and got up, she wrote to Abby and sent her an update on her life as well. She finished up her letter before sending it off and smiled when Jack ran over to her, "Snacks?"

"Sure bud, let's get you a snack."

All in all, the Christmas and New Years were amazing in their small apartment. 


It was now the middle of March, they had missed celebrating Valentines Day and her birthday from being called on cases. Crystal was coming back from buying them all breakfast, she opted to not making anything since she'd be busy later with cooking for her, Hotch, Jack, Jason, and Amy.

The whole family was coming down to visit and would be renting a house, but Jason and Amy offered to come down a day early just in case Crystal and Hotch were called on a case and they needed someone to look after Jack. Nick would've done it, but he was working on his thesis and Crystal didn't want him stressed out with watching Jack while also writing it. "Jason's got it, go focus."

Change My Mind ~ Criminal Minds (Aaron Hotchner x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora