35.0: New Agent

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A/N: This chapter will be based on the episode 6x10 What Happens at Home... 

This case will be a bit different from the original episode

"Change is the end result of all true learning."
― Leo Buscaglia

Crystal smiled at her desk as her mother continued to talk to her on the phone, the party was happening at the end of this week and Crystal still hadn't put an outfit together.

"Will you need me to come over for moral support?"

"No mom, I think I'll be okay. I haven't gotten a dress yet due to cases, promise I'll have a dress in time."

"Okay, let me know if you start to get anxious. I'll break every speed limit to get over there to you."

Crystal laughed at this, "Thanks mom, I'll talk to you later." After she hung up she looked over at Emily, "What?"

"You don't have a dress yet?" Emily looked worried, "Will you have enough time to get one?" Crystal smiled over at her, "I have an idea of what I want, so it shouldn't be to hard to find one. I'll grab one on the way home today, it's only Tuesday and I have until Sunday night." Emily hummed, "Well if you need help come find me and Garcia, we can even invite JJ if she's not busy."

"Thanks, but I'll be fine." Crystal stated and heard footsteps coming their way, she looked over to see Hotch heading towards them. "We've got a case." Crystal nodded as she and Emily stood up to follow him, when they entered the conference room Reid was talking to Morgan who looked like he was having a crisis.

"Everything okay Morgan?" Crystal asked and he sighed, "All I asked was what the deal was with his sugar cravings these days, he went on to tell me the molecule make up of sugar and how it was properly discovered."

Crystal smiled at this, "Sounds very interesting." Reid nodded happily and Emily laughed before Hotch grabbed the remote, "Three women murdered inside a gated community in southeastern New Mexico in the last 2 months."

"All three inside?" Morgan asked and Hotch nodded, "Majorie West was strangled in her home in the middle of the night when her family was out of town, they found her the next morning. Jill Long was strangled in the laundry room while her husband and sons were in the backyard camping. Last night Aubrey Jacobs was killed in her home office while her daughter and husband were asleep in the house."

"Occupied dwellings is as high-risk as it gets." Morgan stated and Reid looked at the file, "He's fearless." 

"Proximity, the chance he might get caught, that could do it for him." Emily said and Crystal hummed, "Could be getting off on the women looking at him while they die, could be the control."

Reid looked over at Hotch, "You said gated community, I'm assuming that means security?"

"A small security staff and perimeter cameras with everything recorded 24/7, no one's entered or left the compound last night except for residents. Looks like the unsub is a part of the community, the local detective says that demographics, general makeup, and socioeconomic status of the residents is essentially the same."

Emily sighed, "That's going to make the profile difficult."

"Unless we examine a different set of parameters." 

"Different parameters?" Morgan asked and Hotch nodded, "Rossi's working it now as we speak, wheels up in 2 hours." After Hotch left the team turned to Crystal, Crystal raised an eyebrow at them. "What?"

"Hotch say anything about these parameters?" Emily asked and Crystal playfully sighed, "You guys do realize he doesn't tell me everything, right?" Morgan chuckled as they walked back to the desks, "We do, but never hurts to ask."

Change My Mind ~ Criminal Minds (Aaron Hotchner x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant