72.0: Starting at the Basics

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"Practice is the hardest part of learning, and training is the essence of transformation."
― Ann Voskamp

"So you and Mr. Sexy-"


"Are hopelessly into each other-

"Not hopelessly-"

"But you both won't admit it?"

Crystal sighed as she shook her head with a smile, "That's just what I'm thinking Ames, I'm hoping that this is what's happening."

"Crystal, you're sexy babe, so you've got nothing to worry about."

"Amy that's not what matters, what matters is that I don't know what to do. I just...I don't want to be reading the signs wrong, okay? I'm....it's been awhile since someone's showed any real interest in me not just because of looks, I don't want to mess this up." Crystal whispered and Amy didn't respond for awhile, Crystal played with her necklace.

"Chris, I really think Mr. Boss Man likes you. From what you've told me, and you've told me a lot, this man looks at you for who you are on the inside and not on the outside. Ben was a fucking asshole for making you think that your looks mattered because listen here bitch, you're a full fucking goddess and more. Kyle was a fucking piece of shit and we don't care about him because he's irrelevant, you've got yourself a really great guy here and I don't want you trying to make it seem like you don't deserve a nice man who treats you right."

Crystal took in a shaky breath, "I know I do...it's just scary."

"I know it is, but you gotta let your walls down first babe."

"I have."

"No, you haven't-"


"You say you have, but you're still cautious."

"That's normal-"

"Crystal fucking Archer let me fucking finish. You've let down your guard, but you haven't let down your walls around your heart. You tell him things about yourself, you've opened up, but you aren't letting yourself feel loved and cared for. You gotta let go of the past babe, you're killing any chance you have with Mr. Fine because you're telling yourself that you're not ready but you are babe. If you weren't ready, why're you still close to him? If you aren't ready, why're you trying to find out if he likes you too? You're psyching yourself out babe and you're going to hurt him if you don't let yourself fall, you need to let yourself have something good in your life Chris. He literally listens to everything you say and remembers them, he cares for you, and he's taking care of you even when you've pushed him away before. He's a keeper and I will break every speed limit there is to get to your apartment and shake some sense into you because if you let him go I will fight you, you deserve a nice man who chases after you."

Crystal's eyes widen at Amy's words, "I..." Crystal tried to deny Amy's accusations, but she couldn't. Deep down Crystal knew she needed to hear this, she swallowed. "I'm trying to let go of the past...but for 5 years I was basically shaped into this mold of what Ben wanted because I wasn't enough." Crystal's voice broke and Amy sighed on the other end.

"Babe, you're a knockout. I don't give a fuck what Ben said about you being 'better with curly hair' or whatever shit he told you, you're beautiful not because of looks but because of your caring badass nature. Ben's to fucking blind to see what he had with you, why do you think he's trying to get you back? He realized 'I'm a fucking asshole and an idiot who just lost a bad bitch, I need to get her back' but the jokes on him because someone else has already won you over."

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