the painting

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Your pov
"Y/n!" Your mother called waking you up. Your eyes stung as you opened them, and felt puffy. When you looked in the mirror you could see that they really were puffy and red. That's when you remembered that you cried.
"Y/n? Are you awake damn it?" Your mother screamed before bursting in and looking at you.

Her gaze softened and she gave a sigh.
"You look awful.. what happened?" She asked before smoothing out your h/c hair.
You shrugged.
"Do i... do i HAVE to do this? How is this truly beneficial to the company mother?
Just because some name brand is going to put merchandise in our stores, and support you?" You asked, your mother gave a tired sigh.
"It's been a week my dear... the decision was already made. Please don't emberass us, be a good wife and clean and cook for levi." She offered her advice before hugging you and handing you a wrapped present.

You took it in your hands and looked up at her.
"What is this?" You asked and she smiled.
"Open it."

You tore open the beautiful wrallimg to reveal...

A cook book.
You looked up at your mother confused as she smiled.
"That was your grandmother's. I figured you would want it, since YOU have to start cooking for Levi now.." she beamed and you gave a sigh forcing a smile.
"Yay.... I love it! Thanks mom." She placed her hands on top of yours which rested on the cook book.

"It was given to me when I married your father, and I thought it would be nice for you to have something like this for your husband and you.."

You almost gagged at the word husband.
But you nodded and smiled at her.
"You're right mom. Levi will love the way we cook..." you lied before standing and putting the book on your desk. Your mom gave you a big hug before running down the stairs yelling for your father.
You sat down staring at your reflection in the mirror, you thought about everything once more, including about the girl armin liked.

You messed with your h/c hair that fell in your eyes and shook the thoughts from your mind as your mother called up to you
"Y/n! The limos here."
You gave yourself another look, while a sense of doubt ran through your mind before you grabbed the book, clutching it tightly against your chest and leaving your bedroom for the very last time.


"Wow this place is huge!!!" Armin squealed and took pictures of the living room as the four of you entered your new apartment.
Levi ended up having to leave the keys with Patrick because he had a meeting to attend to with Kenny at the company.
You gave a sigh as eren slid an arm around armins shoulder.
"Yeah cos our little y/n is a celeb now."

You shook your head.
"Hardly... I'm being forced into this remember." You sighed sitting on the black leather couch and staring at the huge t.v. on the wall. Eren sat on the step next to you, that led to the little dip in the living room where the couches were, and nodded.
"We know. But at least you get to live in THIS!" he beamed as armin took another picture.
Mikasa began walking around with armin and your eyes met Patrick's.

"Miss y/n. May I take your bags to the bedroom?" He asked and you nodded. He gave you a smile before grabbing the little clothes you brought in your suitcase and pulling them away.

Levi promised that they would get your clothes later, so you packed lightly.
You could see signs that Levi had been there already considering the apartment was spotless and there was a neat stack of papers on the table.
"Hey y/n. Show us around." Mikasa offered and you smiled before standing.
"Right this way right this way." You giggled pretending to be a tour guide.
Armin laughed taking a picture of you as you moved towards the kitchen.

"Look thus is called a kitchen. Where I'll be slaving away the rest of my life." They pretended to be in awe to please you and clapped.
"Show us more!" Eren begged so you continued, walking them to the balcony just outside of the dining room which was connected to the kitchen. They stared in awe as the doors flung open, the cool air pouring in.
"This is the balcony, I'm sure I'll be here many many times drinking and dying!" You joked and they laughed. You moved past them closing the doors as they piled in and leading them to the guest room and showing them the inside.
"My guest room, and for you peasants that just means I have an extra bedroom." You teased and armin laughed again.
"I had no idea." Mikasa joked as you motioned them to the master bedroom where Patrick held the door for you smiling at your jokes.

"Right this way right this way..." You waved and they followed. "This is where I will be suffering." You joked and bowed. They clapped and armin giggled again taking another photo.
"This is so cool y/n." He beamed and you nodded as he began typing on his phone.
"Yeah... I just wish we were enjoying this under different circumstances..." eren whispered and you looked down.
You felt the same way. You wish you would have been able to make your own choice rather than be shoved into an unhappy engagement that's going to lead into an unhappier marriage.

"Hey, this is so cool! You have over 15 thousand followers on grinstam!!!" Armin cheered and showed you his phone. You barley ever used grinsta
But when you did you only had lile maybe 100 followers.
Of course all of them were most likely from Levi who had close to a million followers even though his page was ran by someone else.
You tilted your head to the side and took his phone. Sure enough, your recent picture had gotten 10 thousand likes, and you posted it months ago. It was before you knew any of this, back when you still lived in shiganshi town with eren and mikasa. The town wasn't far from where you lived now but it still took a long bus ride to get to. It was of you, laying in bed throwing up a peace sign to the camera.
You nodded.

"I guess... I should download grinstam again huh?" You giggled and armin nodded.
"Ahhh you really should. Everyone who commented is so nice!" Armin cheered and you smiled.
"Really? Well in that case I'll download it right-"

"Hey this painting is cool. Did it come with the apartment?" Mikasa asked drawing your attention from your new found fame.
When your eyes fell upon the cityscape painting, your blood went cold.

It was the painting you liked from the art museum.
From you and levis first date.
So what was it doing here??

Sorry I haven't been writing much guys
I took a little break for mental health, and since it was Christmas. I will try and write more♡ enjoy

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