2 days before the ceremony

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Back to you
You stared at your phone which was on levis message. He claimed he was at a meeting today. You didn't feel like hearing his wrath if you texted him.
"Y/n! Come help me load these clothes up." Your mother called up to you breaking your trance.
"Coming..." You hollered back and grabbed your phone before darting down the stairs and grabbing a box of clothes your mother laid on the table for you.

"Did you receive any calls from Mr ackerman?" Your mom asked as you dropped the box into the back of the car.
You shook your head lying, and she nodded.
"Oh... well your father has a meeting with one of Kennys employees... it seems Mr Ackerman and his uncle are not in the office today..." she sighed and closed the trunk.

You arched an eye brow.
Levi told you he had a meeting today and you assumed it was with your father... so where could he be?

Your mind went to Petra, and you gave a sigh.
"Come on. Whike I'm dropping these off at one of our stores, we can shop for a fancy dress for you to wear to your engagement party." She offered with a smile. You nodded and ran to shut the front door of your small house And climbing into the passenger seat.

You buckled your seatbelt and off the two of you went.


You gave a sigh as your mom was discussing the clothing with the manager of the store. They've been chatting for half an hour, and you were growing impatient. The day was half over and you spent it not doing anything productive, like getting your dress.
You tugged on your mom's arm.
"And this set right here I was thinking we could sell for about..." she looked at you.
"What y/n?" She asked.

"My dress??" You hissed. Your mom rolled her eyes and looked at the manager lady.
"One moment my apologies..." she excused with a nervous laugh. She turned and shoved some cash at you.

"Go and freaking buy the dress y/n This is important! I can't give you any more cash right now so please just go. I'll call when I'm done." She demanded. You stood staring at her for a moment before storming out of the store and back into the mall.
"Of course she's busy.... they're always busy unless it's to tell me what to do!" You cursed and passed by a group of people on your way to the small dress boutique at the end of the mall.

"Hey is that..." a familliar voice began.
Then you felt a tap on your shoulder, you spun around and were met with the ginger herself.

"Y/n was it? Your levis... Girl friend!" She beamed and motioned her group to come over. You groaned as a woman with brown hair thrown into a messy ponytail and glasses eyed you up and down.

"Levi is dating her?" She asked Petra who nodded.
"WELL HOT DAMN!" She bellowed and grabbed you by your shoulders.

"I don't know you!" You cautioned and she laughed.
"My name is hanji Zoe I'm one of levis best friends!! Petra told us Levi had someone but I never thought I'd see the day!!!! This over here is MY boyfriend moblit!" She introduced a scrawny man with dirty blonde hair.

"Hanji quit shaking her around!" He ordered but she didn't let go of you.
"And this big guy is Erwin. Levis closes confidant. Our other friends aren't here right now so-" she began while motioning to the tall blonde man with bushy eyebrows. You opened your mouth to speak before,
"Excuse me???" A man in a nicer t shirt with messy brown hair yelled. Hanji cowered for a moment before sighing and letting you go.

"And this... IS oruo... hes levis friend too." Petra explained and the one called oruo clicked his tongue like Levi.
"I can't believe Levi is in a relationship. How rude he didn't tell us himself..." he snarled and petra slapped him.
"Don't talk about Levi like that!"
"Don't hit me!"

You rolled your eyes and forced a smile.
"Yeah... well I'm sorry guys but I really have to get going... so..." You began and took a step back. Hanji practically pounced on you.
"OoOooOo let me come too!!!!!!" She demanded and Petra nodded.
"Me too. Girls time!" She cheered before they both looped their arms in yours and you were whisked towards the boutique.

"Very pretty!" Hanji clapped and held up a maroon colored dress. It was indeed pretty and fancy looking. You took it from her hands and felt the soft material.
Hanji sat down on the bench outside the dressing room where the two of you were and smiled.
"So why do you need a fancy dress?" She asked and you bit your lip, starting to get used to all her questions.

"I don't know I just uh...wanted it." You lied. Hanji nodded as the dressing room door clicked open and out walked petra in a gorgeous green dress that fit her curves perfectly. You felt your stomach tighten as you imagined her dancing with Levi. You pushed the thought from your mind and looked Down at your dress.
"Wow petra!! You clean up nicely!" Hanji swooned against you.

"Oh hush I was just having fun. " she giggled and clapped her hands together.
"Come on y/n!! Try it on!"
"Omg yes!!" Hanji drooled. You shook your head.
"I think I'll just buy it. It is in my size after all..." You chuckled nervously and hanji looked defeated.
"Ok.. fine.. well I'm gonna go check out and then I have to leave! It was awesome meeting you y/n! Take care of our boy" hanji hugged goodbye before rushing off to check out.
Petra smiled after her before locking eyes with you.

"Don't worry about her... I'm probrably going to buy this dress... You never know when you'll need it right?" She giggled before waving at you and walking into the fitting rooms again.
You gave a sigh and proceeded to check out with your dress.

Wondering why Levi wouldn't like a girl like her..

"Y/n!" Your mom exclaimed as you approached her.
"I've been trying to call you!"

"Sorry... I just not have heard my phone..." You looked down at the bag which contained your dress.
Your mom's eyes softened and she gave you a smile.
"Well... let's hurry and get home so we can see it on!" She exclaimed with excitement and pulled you out the doors.
You eyed yourself in the mirror of your bedroom, your computer open displaying armins face on video call.
"So...?" You asked. He purred his lips thinking for a moment before snapping his fingers.
"You look like a movie star I know!! Very beautiful." He cooed and smiled.
"You laughed in relief and stared at your body some more. The dress was strapless and was fitted at the top. It bellowed out around your hips to your ankles, where it stopped, leaving your matching shoes revealed.

You gave a sigh remembering how petra looked in hers.
"Y/n... why do you need a dress anyway?" Armin asked. You shrugged and bit your lip.
"Well... I think my parents want me to dress nicer to represent our buisness..." You lied and cringed. Armin nodded suspiciously before erens voice yelled in the background.

"Oh shit... I forgot y/n I have to go... well talk soon ok?" He asked frantic before logging off.
You gave a sigh and shut your laptop down and stared at yourself some more.
You picked up your phone and decided to take a picture of you in the dress to send to eren, before losing interest and setting your phone back down.

You held yourself for a moment staring at your reflection, wondering if Levi would have any rude comments about your dress later.
If he did you knew you would be ready.
Game on.

<[It just occurred to me that I have ALOT OF TYPOS WHEN I WRITE!! forgive me y'all I'm stressed out and am typing on a small screen lmao.]>

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