your pov

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"I think we made some good decisions today y/n." Patrick beamed, carrying all your bags. You obeyed levis request and didn't spend to much of his money.
You glanced down at your phone staring at his message. Wondering what he could be doing right now, and what you were going to do tonight alone.

"I hope Levi likes them..." you spoke softly as Patrick smiled.
"Mr Ackerman will love them."
You smiled back before a glimpse of red hair caught your eyes.
"Hey y/n!" You glanced over and your eyes met Petras.
You smiled back and Patrick stood next to you.
"Hello Petra-" you began and noticed she was wearing levis jacket.
"Excuse me, is that Mr Ackerman jacket?" Patrick asked and Petra blushed.
"Oh... yeah haha. Sorry.. I ran into him at the hospital and i.." she began before staring at you.

"I told him how I felt and he gave me his jacket. He said I should have it. I hope you don't mind y/n." She rubbed the sleeve of the jacket in a loving way.
You felt your stomach knot up and you clenched your fists.
"Well I do mind considering he is MY fiance..." you growled. Her eyes looked shocked for a moment before she slipped the jacket off and held it in her arms.
"Don't tell me you're jealous of me y/n... just because Levi and I are friends and have kissed before doesn't mean-" she covered her mouth as if she shouldn't have said anything.

You rolled your eyes and snatched the jacket from her.
"Hey!" She yelled as you draped it over your shoulders.

"It doesn't matter who you are, or were to Levi. Because who is engaged to Levi Petra?" You barked and she gave uou a defeated look.
"Yeah but it could have been different y/n and you know it. " she snapped back.
At that moment your phone rang, when you looked down you saw it was Levi calling you. You gave a smirk before waving your phone in her face.

"Look who levis calling right now petra.." you answered it as she crossed her arms.
"Hello my dear." You called and shot a wink at Petra.
"Hey..." a soft levi replied back. It made your smile fade as you thought about last night, the tears in his eyes, the roughness of his hands. The anger that was felt with each squeeze.

"Levi are you..." that's when what Petra said played through your mind.
"I saw him at the hospital.
"Levi are you ok???" You asked and he groaned.
"I sent you an address I need you and Patrick to come here... theres been a change in plans. "
"Ok..." you whispered and hung up. Patrick took your hand and waved goodbye to petra.

"Lets go y/n."
You nodded and followed him looking back at Petra who furiously typed on her phone.
"She's all talk y/n..." Patrick whispered as you two left the mall entrance.

"I... what?" You asked as he opened the door of the limo and placed all the bags in.
"I've been around a long time miss y/n, mr ackerman might have had eyes for her in the past but he found her rather annoying as well." He explained as you climbed in.
"All I'm saying is, you did well. Don't worry about what she says, even if this engagement is not what you expected she has no say on your life y/n." HHe finished with a smile before closing the limo door. You felt a warm feeling through your body and tears form in your e/c eyes.

My life....
You thought as Patrick sat across from you and flashed you a smile.
You smiled as well and looked out the window as the limo began driving away.

I'm going to see Levi at the hospital...

I wonder why.

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