bizzare events

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[This chapter is possibly the most strangest I've had to write. This is the only chapter that will be written in this format, I refused to make three separate chapters for these next few events. I apologize for any inconvenience. ]

You put the last of your clothes away and gave a sigh as Patrick handed you a cup of tea.
"Your tea." He smiled and you took a sip.
"So... I have a question... why is Levi not coming home tonight?" You asked and Patrick immediately looked uncomfortable.
"Miss y/n. I do consided us friends but I mustnt try and explain the mind of my boss." Was all he said.
You nodded and looked out the window as the sun was setting.

"Why don't you order a pizza..." you requested and he nodded leaving the room
"As you wish." He bowed and left the room.

You found it odd that he wouldn't give you an answer. He could have made up am excuse, but that tells you Levi is hiding something from you.
You glanced at his jacket which laid folded on the edge of the bed. You forgot to ask him about it, not like you really could ask anyway considering the situation you were just in.

At that moment your phone rang and you were relieved to see your mother's name displayed on the screen.
"Y/n!" She yelled once you answered.
"Mom... I have so much to tell you!" You excitedly beamed as she groaned.

"I called to ask how things were going with Levi y/n..."

"Well today I met his mother and she is the sweetest woman ever... actually... she made me want to call you and tell you that im sorry for hope I've been acting... and I love-"
Your mother laughed cutting you off.

"Levi has been a good Influence I see! Rumor has it the two of you are madly inlove now!" She shrieked. You gripped the phone tightly and laughed nervously.
"Y-yeah I guess you could say that... but as I was saying mom i-"

"Yeah yeah y/n I get it. His moms awesome." She sounded almost annoyed over the phone.
A man's voice from the background whispered interrupting her.
"I'm wrapping thus up now sir.. ok y/n It's been a nice talk. You keep doing as Levi says ok? Life's going great over here, we have so many companies wishing yo do buisness with us and the ackermans now! Bye."
"Mom wait I have to ask a question!" You began but the BEEP of the line being disconnected interupted you. You gasped looking at your phone and sure enough.. the line was gone.

You didn't even get to threw your phone out of anger and yelled.
They never listen....

Your eyes fell on the painting Levi bought for you.

And that warm feeling from earlier returned to your stomach thinking about how he talked to you.
Oddly enough he seemed different.

Beep beep beep beep

Your computer sounded signalling a video chat.

You rushed to the laptop and accepted revealing your three best friends faces.

"We made it home!" Armin sang and you smiled.
"Guys!! It's been a crazy day!" You shouted and looked at mikasa on erens part of the screen.
"I bet it has been..." mikasa sighed and you remembered what Patrick told you.

"Mikasa... why didn't you tell me you were related to.." you began and she gave a sigh.

"That's what I've been trying to say. Before my parents died, I spent alot of time with uncle Kenny, I've seen first hand the tactics he uses to get where he is today... I never liked them. When I was told I would be put up for adoption he wanted to take me, but thankfully Dr Jaeger, a close friend to my father, adopted me first. I never met my cousin Levi, but I don't trust him with you. I wish you weren't in this predicament at all.." she looked to eren who was making a annoyed expression.

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now