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  "Now ...." Patrick began as the two of you went up the elevator.
"There's something you should know about this visit..." he whispered. You glanced over at him as the soft sound of jazz played through the speakers.
"Mr Ackerman... must trust you if he requested you here. Not even miss Petra or miss hanji know of this.."

You played with a strand of your h/c hair trying to get it to stay behind your ear as he spoke.
"Just promise me you won't mis judge the situation he is in.." he asked as the elevator doors opened and he led you out and into the hallway before the two of you approached a door that was already opened.
Inside stood kenny with his hat down by his side. Once you entered he looked over at you and flashed you a smile.

"Ah miss (last name!)" He beamed as you entered and your eyes fell on a slouched over levI holding a frail womans hand.
The woman was beautiful, with Pale skin, a petite frame and was hooked up to many machines.
The woman smiled once she met your eyes.
"You're y/n (last name)! Your parents are the owners of the small buisness (last name), your family has quite a admirable reputation.. and your best friends with mikasa ackerman." she spoke in a shake voice. You arched an eye brow and smiled.

"I wouldn't know about admirable..but how do you know mikasa " you joked and glanced at Levi, his eyes were locked on the woman, he didn't even glance at you. When you looked at his hands, they looked like they were shaking.

"Miss y/n.. this is my little sister kuchel ackerman. Shes co-owner of our company, in the position Levi is being trained fo-" Levi glanced up at Kenny interrupting him.
Kenny closed his mouth and looked Down at his feet, almost as if he were introuble.
You looked towards Levi again who changed his expression to one you couldn't read as he looked at kuchel.

"Y/n. This is my mother..." he spoke softly, in a voice you didn't recognize.
You felt pain in your chest as you looked at kuchel again. Her expression remained the same, a soft look in her eyes, and a smile across her lips.
"I'm glad I get to meet you miss y/n." She began as Levi squeezed her hand.
"I heard many good things about you and your family from Kenny and levi.. forgive these two knuckle heads.." she laughed, her laughter turning into a fit of coughing.

Levi jumped up immediately and grabbed some water sitting on the table next to you and giving his mother some.
Somehow the situation made you think about the night before.. how his eyes were filled with tears, and that text message...

"She's not doing so well "

You felt your heart break as you came to your own conclusion.
Levis mother is dying.
Levi is being trained to take her place, a role only his mother filled.
No wonder hes such a bitch all the time...

You felt your eyes fill with tears as you looked at Levi who gently poured the water into his mother's mouth.
"Levi..." you whispered hearing your voice break under the surge of emotions in you.
He glanced your way and clicked his tongue.

"I don't need your charity y/n." He growled and his mother slapped his arm.
"Levi Ackerman!" She yelled, her voice breaking as well.
Levi looked down placing the water beside him as you wiped your teary eyes.
Kenny decided to leave the room with Patrick at that time, and levis mother decided to speak then.

"Forgive my son and his uncle y/n... levis been groomed to behave this way since I ended up here a few years back.." she explained and Levi squeezed her delicate hand.
"Its... fine. He hasent given me to much trouble.." you lied and he looked up at you, his eyes watery.

Kuchel gave you a smile and rubbed levis hand with her free one.
"I knew my boy wasn't all bad.." she beamed before looking you dead in your e/c eyes.
I know the situation I'd bizarre y/n... but I ask that youll give my boy a chance to show you what he's really like... I promise you'll find this marriage isn't the worst.." she offered her advice and for some reason it made you feel all warm inside. You nodded and gave her a smile as the nurse came in.
"Visiting time is over... I'm sorry Mr Ackerman I need you two to leave and give her some rest.." the nurse prompted. Levi kissed his mothers frail hand and stood, faking yours and began leading you out of the room.
"Y/n!" Kuchel called and you turned around.
"promise me you'll take good care of him.. I love him." She asked. You gave her a smile and nodded.

"I won't let you down."


Levi led you out of the hospital in silence.
"Don't speak of what you saw to anyone... my mother wished to meet you before..." he began and his voice trailed off.
You nodded. This time, when you looked at Levi you didn't feel dread. You felt a warm feeling I'm the pit of your stomach, almost like nerves.
He straightened his lips and arched an eyebrow as you stared.
"This doesn't change anything y/n.." he spoke clearing his throat. You nodded and opened your mouth to speak but he silenced you.

"I won't be home... so enjoy the apartment. Feel free to use the limo service but don't emberass me." He ordered before leaving.
You nodded as he walked away. That feeling in your stomach didn't go away. You clenched your skirt in your fist as Patrick opened the door motioning for you to step inside the limo.

"Miss y/n.. how was your meeting with ms ackerman?" He asked. You felt the tears again as you climbed inside and spoke. His face softened and he placed a hand on yours.

"The situation is very sad indeed... Mr Ackerman... hasent shown this side to anyone in a long time... I hope you won't mis judge him any longer... and you were never answered of your question about how she knew your friend mikasa... she was a part of levis family. Untill she left. "
The shock of this knowledge filled you, as you thought of everything. Mikasa family dying, her reminding you of that, is that what she wanted to tell you? That she is related to Levi?

You felt the tears fall down your cheeks as you thought about the situation. Levis mother dying, Levi being groomed to be a mini Kenny to take his beloved mothers place, being forced into marrying you, and now you've learned that they will actually benefit from your family... you had no idea that your parents had a good reputation amongst the sharks of this world..

It was another part of your life you couldn't control.
Once your mind settled you agreed woth yourself that you would give Levi a second chance.
After all... for once in your life since you met him..... you actually felt butterflies when you looked at him.

Could i....no.

Your phone buzzed with a text from mikasa that read,
"Don't trust the ackermans... "
Your heart can't take this.

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now