madly inlove

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Levi shook his head in disappointment. The last apartment was mediocre at best, and Levi did nothing but complain.
The man showing us around dabbed his forehead with his handkerchief and sighed.
" Ackerman. This apartment is... obviously not for you. But it's perfect for a family In case you two were thinking about having a family.." he gulped and ran his hand through his slick hair.

Levi grunted and shook his head.
"We just need an apartment for the TWO of us." He growled.
You gave a sigh and crossed your arms.
"I personally thought this apartment was cozy..." you grumbled as he walked away. The man grabbed his forehead again and nodded.
"I'm glad you think so miss... but it's mr Ackerman who .... must decide unfortunately. " he gulped and chased after Levi, you followed slowly while rolling your eyes.

So we announce our engagement in 3 days...
You thought to yourself as you walked behind the two men untill you made it to the next apartment door.

I wonder if Levi is as nervous as I am..
You pondered as the door opened revealing a beautifully cozy apartment with a balcony, and a big living room and pretty kitchen.
You let out a soft GASP and Levi turned towards you. You both walked in and you stepped down from the single step into the living room and smiled.

"So mr ackerman.. soon to be Mrs ackerman... what do you think so far?" The nervous man stammered.
Levi turned sharply to face him.
"Show us the rest of the rooms first. Then I'll decide."

The man nodded nervously and looked at his watch.
"R-right sir. But this is the 5th apartment we've looked at.. it's almost time for the building to Shut down for the night and I would very much like to go home and see my wife and kid-" he began before Levi groaned and faced him.
"Did I ask for your life story? Show us the damn apartment." He growled before storming off, the heels of his boots clicking against the hard wood floor.

The man gave a sigh and looked at you. You walked over to him and put a hand on his arm.
"This won't take long sir. I'm Sorry for him he can be a brat at times." You said softly with a smile. He smiled back and patted your hand with his.
"No worries miss. I'll be home to see my kids soon enough. You two just take your time."
You nodded and rushed after Levi who was already checking out the master bedroom.

He looked at you with a hostile expression.
"What?" He growled. You cowered back a little before looking towards the big bed.
"What's your problem.." You asked while touching the soft blankets.

"Excuse me?" He growled. You turned towards him staring straight into his gray eyes.
"I said, what's your problem levi."You questioned and he clenched his teeth tightening his jaw.

"What do you mean."

"Well..." You began before backing up from him and smoothing out your shirt.
"You yelled at that poor man, then got pissy at me for walking in here. You've been angry all day. We haven't once even gotten to get to know eachother or decide on a damn apartment!" You cried out and crossed your arms.
His look softened and he gave a long sigh.

"I wasn't expecting today to go like this y/n. And I wasn't expecting to see Petra here..." he admitted before putting his hand in his pocket and staring at you.
You felt your eyes roll when he mentioned her name, thinking about the short ginger woman.

That's when you thought of something rather important.
"You like her don't you..." You asked me he shook his head.
"Petra is just a friend of mine. Not like I matters if I did anyway. I'm engaged to you."

You played with your hair and bit your lower lip.
"Why don you marry her instead?" You asked and he laughed.
"Well as I just said miss know it all WERE engaged. AndI don't feel that way about her... can we just drop the subject." He growled and turned way towards the window. You stood up amd walkd mext to him. You were so close to him you could smell the cologne he was wearing.

You wanted to bury your nose into his shirt, it smells so good.
But you bit your lip and continued staring out the window and at your faint reflection staring back at you as the orange sky faded into the black night.

"So do you like this place the best?" He finally asked as you stared at the big city below you.
You did actually. You liked how small and cozy it was, and everything about it.
You gave a smile and nodded your head.

"Yea... I do."

"Perfect!!"A voice behind you called.
You and Levi snapped your heads to look and saw the agent walking in.
"Mr Ackerman my team and I Wil send you the paperwork and once we get first rent, and you sign away this place will be yours!!" He cheered.

Levi nodded.
"Then I assume you'll be in touch. Didn't you have somewhere to be?" He questioned the man and the man nodded.

"Thank you two so much. I'll show you to the door and I'll be on my way to see my babies!" He began walking towards the door.
You and Levi followed in silence.
You wondered what you kids would be like with levi.
After imagining a bunch of little monotone brats running around you shook the thought from your mind and thanked the man once more once you two were escorted out of the building completley.

Levi led you to his car and you climbed in along with him.
He started the car bit didn't drive. He sat with it in park just staring at his hands which rested on the wheel.
You opened your mouth to speak but kept it shut out of fear.

"In three days time, we will be having an engagement party. You will have to dress up for it, and it will be televised.... " he whispered almost as if itvwere a secret.

"I wasn't supposed to bring it up, but I didn't want you to emberass me on live tv." He sighed and rubbed his temples.

You groaned and slumped down a bit.
"I'm not gonna fucking emberass you Levi. But why will it be televised and why couldn't I know about this sooner??" You asked defensively and he sighed.

"To be fair I thought Mr [last name] explained all of this to you.. that day, you might as well let ME do all the talking."
He put the car in drive and began driving away from the apartment complex.

"Well there's no way THAT'S HAPPENING Levi...." You growled and he rolled his eyes.
"Fine. Then don't say anything stupid. If they ask us... we're madly inlove."

"Madly inlove? Why?" You asked and he gave another long sigh.

"Because otherwise, well be discovered and a scandal could start. They could say bad things about you and your family, your dad's company would be in ruins. He would be a joke, marrying off his daughter in the 21st century..."

So that's how he feels about dad...

You thought as he continued driving.

"Got it... madly inlove." You noted and looked out the window.
"Good. You listen well. Now let's see if you can obey."

You growled and rode the rest of the way home in silence, only the sound of his breathing filling the void of silence.
All you wanted to do was message your friends and be out of this hellish nightmare.
But it didn't seem possible now.

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now