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Eren quickly let go of you and your eyes met the dull gray ones that belonged to Levi, who had his arms crossed on the front porch.
You walked forward and opened your mouth to speak but he placed a hand up to silence you.
"I didn't bring you here to steal my fiance" Levi snapped before grabbing your arm and pulling you inside roughly, and through the house to a small room that looked like an office.

He threw you in and locked the door behind you and him and stared at you.
"Do you want rumors to be spread about us already brat?" He growled and you tilted your head confused.
"Rumors...?" You began before he rolled his eyes and lit a cigarette letting it hang from his perfect, plump lips.

"Are you dumb? If the paparazzi catches you with another man, like how you were right now, it'll be in every magazine you can think of. And I don't think we want that, if we want your parents company to survive, since YOU would be accused for cheating brat!" He yelled and took a drag on the cigarette, blowing the smoke in the air.
The smell was thick, and disgusting.

"Put that out." You ordered and he smirked putting it out and throwing it away.
"You'll never understand it untill it happens brat." He unlocked the door and you took off out of it rushing out the front door once again and into the garden area. You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down after Levi pissed you off with his accusation.
The two of you HATE each other. What does it matter if you were with someone else?

You paced back and forth for a while before hearing the door open and out walked Levi, with Kenny standing at the door.
Levi stopped infront of you and gave a sigh before staring into your eyes.

"I could have explained that better y/n." He admitted and you nodded.
"Yeah. You could." You snapped as he got closer.
"I just want you to realize how annoying this can be if word gets out you and I want other people.." he growled looking towards the house.
"Lets talk about this in a more private place..." he hinted and you nodded following him into the house and to his Room.

"So... it could be devastating for my parents company..." you realized as Levi smoked a cigarette, looking out of his window and to the ground below.
"Finally. You understand." He growled as you got up and joined him by his bedroom window, you could smell the smoke as he took each drag off of it.

"I'm sorry..." you apologized and he coughed. You rolled your eyes as he put out the cigarette and turned towards you.
"As you should be..."

The two of you shared a moment of silence, just staring into each others eyes.
"What did he want with you.?" Levi finally asked and you shrugged thinking about erens question and how he suddenly grabbed you.
You tried not to think about erens feelings for a moment. You were afraid Levi could read your thoughts.

He clicked his tongue and looked towards the ground for a moment, before staring back into yyour eyes.
Your heart beat quickened as his look changed into a softer one.
"So he wanted THAT. And you were gonna let him weren't you?" He accused and you gasped backing away.
"W-what do you mean??" You stammered knowing very well what he meant.
He knew eren was going to kiss you if he hadnt stepped in.
And you did nothing to stop him.

Levi walked towards you closing the space between you as you fell back onto the bed. He stood over you, the same stoic expression as always.
"You were going to let him kiss you y/n." He growled.
"You really don't care about this wedding, or about your parents do you?" He growled and you bit your lip. You sat up getting closer than you wanted to to Levi. He didn't move an inch.
"I don't Levi and you know it. We both don't want this so why are we forcing-" you began before he closed the space between you two.

It happened so fast... you didn't have a chance to think.
His lips met yours, and his eyes stayed open, locked on yours as he slid his hand behind your back not allowing you to escape him.
You felt your heart throb as his lips moved against yours, but a strange sense of comfort along with it. He slid his lips against yours slowly, and passionately and you couldn't help but close your eyes even though you tried not to.

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now