Chapter Thirty One

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Silently Falling (ORIGINAL): Chapter Thirty One

I know I've been the number one supporter of Alby, but I'm starting to regret it. All they have done this morning is kiss and flirt, and they have constantly been touching and giving each other loving looks. I can only take but so much of this lovey-dovey shit.

Alyse even sat in the front seat this morning on the ride to school. She never sits in the front, we always occupy the back seats! Toby's told her that she looks good at least ten times today, and it's not even 8:30 yet.

What if I wanna know that I look good?

"Finally! Get me out of this car!" I yell, opening the door before Toby even stops the truck.

They chuckle and roll their eyes as they get out of the truck.

"Weren't you the one that finally got us to admit our feelings?" Alyse teases.

Toby locks the truck after we get our backpacks and takes Alyse's hand. "Yeah, you have no room to complain." He says. "You're going to be the exact same way every moment you're with West."

"I was just about to say that!" Alyse exclaims.

Toby grins down at her, "Gotta be quicker than me, babe."

"We all know you're quick..." She trails off, and his face turns beat red.

I resist the sudden urge to gag and start walking towards the school and away from my love struck friends.

Why did I ever push them together?

They fall into step beside me and we round the corner to our usual hangout location next to my locker. I see the others already standing there, and I feel myself smile when I see West in all his glory.

He's wearing his signature leather jacket and for some reason it looks even hotter on him now than ever before. His hair is messed up perfection and his smirk is lighting up his lips.

I went upstairs for bed as soon as I got home last night, but I didn't actually go to sleep until two due to the fact I was up texting West. I started thinking about the news of me getting my voice back and the news of him and I, and I wondered how it would go down when everyone found out.

We decided to just be a couple and to not care about what people say. As for my voice, I was ready for all the questioning.

As I walk up, I make eye contact with Tyler and memories of the other night flood my mind. I had completely forgotten about his attempt to kiss me... I should probably tell West about that. Tyler smiles awkwardly at me, and I do the same.

I divert my gaze to West, and my awkward smile melts into a genuine one. His smirks turns into a grin as I walk towards him, and he kisses my temple as he places his arm around my shoulders. I instantly feel eyes on us, and not a second later Gray voices his confusion.

"Did I miss something...?" He asks, looking at Alyse and Toby and then West and I.

Toby chuckles, "I can't speak for my sister, but Alyse and I... Well, we finally confessed our feelings."

Gray smirks and places his hand out, and Tyler huffs as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet.

"My twenty dollars please." Gray requests, grinning as Tyler angrily slaps the bill in his hand. "Thank you Toby and Alyse, you just bought me dinner." He hums, tucking the cash into his wallet.

Toby scrunches his brow, "Y'all had a bet on if Alyse and I would become a thing?"

"Not if; when." Gray corrects. "I bet that y'all would become a couple before Christmas. Ty bet it would happen New Years Eve."

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