Chapter Three

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Silently Falling (Original): Chapter Three

The rest of the period slowly drags by, and as much as I try to focus on our lecture my mind can't seem to get off of West. I know Toby and the others reassured me that everything will be okay, and what are the odds West is anything like what I'm fearing? My mind may be scaring me more than reality will, but I can't get it to stop.

I'm not even able to calm my mind by just looking online to see what he got busted for. Somehow, West Love has been able to remain a complete mystery. His name is well known, but I haven't actually heard anyone give a description of him. He somehow has evaded social media, cameras, and news outlets. Before getting sent to juvie and then coming here, West went to a school known to house the unruly kids a few towns over. He truly is a mystery that I'm both curious and scared to solve. People at my school all have their own theories. They have their own guesses as to what he looks like.

I've heard he's covered in tattoos, then I've also heard he only has one single tattoo and it's placed on his neck. I've heard he's large and tan, and I've heard he's skinny and pale. I've heard he's covered in muscle, and I've heard he's covered in fat. I've heard he has long black hair, and I've heard he has short blonde hair. I've heard he's attractive, but I've also heard he has scars covering his face.

Most of all, I've heard he's scary enough to have John Cena running into hiding, making his 'you can't see me' bit come a reality.

After class, Gray, Toby, Tyler, and I meet up with Alyse to go to lunch.

"What if he's actually extremely handsome? Oh my gosh, no. What if he's actually, like, five foot one? I mean, I have nothing against short guys, but that would definitely be a blow to the reputation he's already manifested here... NO. What if he has an acne covered face and gold teeth to top it off?" Alyse rambles, her imagination going wild.

"If he was so short, do you think he'd have such a scary reputation?"

"That's a blow to the short fellas, Raine," Gray says.

"I'm just saying that most intimidating guys are the one's who tower over you."

I don't mean what I sign to be any hint to what happened to me, but once everyone comprehends my signs... the mood seems to shift. I notice Alyse place her attention fully on me instead of her mental images of West, Gray shift uncomfortably, Toby's face harden, and Tyler's cheerful smile slip into a frown.

"But, Tyler is only 5' 9" and I could see him maybe scaring some people?" I sign to lift the mood.

"5'9" is not short!" Tyler defends, causing everyone else to chuckle.

"No, you're right it's rather tall. For a girl." Toby snickers.

"It's average for a guy," he mutters.

"You'd know a thing or two about being average, wouldn't you Tyler?" Gray adds, and the rest of us burst into another fit of laughter.

"Okay! Is today 'pick on Tyler day' or something?" He exclaims, his face turning red from embarrassment.

I wave to get his attention on my hands."Tyler, that's every day."

His narrowed eyes move from my hands to my face, but his attempt to keep a strict expression crumbles and his lips perk up into a grin.

"Okay, okay. Tyler is short, his package is average, blah blah blah. But back to the matter at hand!" Alyse says, and I silently giggle as Tyler gets beet red again. "Is West short with acne or tall with tattoos? Place your votes now before we reach the cafeteria."

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