Chapter Nineteen

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Silently Falling (ORIGINAL): Chapter Nineteen


I step out of Toby's truck and onto the school grounds, and almost instantly I'm tackled into a hug. I let out a startled yelp and turn in the familiar arms to see Tyler smiling giddily down at me.

"Raine!" He exclaims, squeezing me tight.

I laugh lightly and pull out of his arms, fixing my hair as I do.

"Hey Tyler." I wave, smiling at him.

He pouts, "I missed you this weekend. I haven't seen you since, like, Friday."

I raise a brow, "And who's fault is that?"


I give him a look. "Try again."

He pouts, "Mine..."

I smile and stand on my tiptoes to pat his head. "Right."

"How about to make it up to you, we go to Rivers tonight? I'll pay." He suggests as we walk towards the school.

I smile up at him, "That sounds good."

"We're going to Rivers tonight?" Toby asks, tuning into the conversation.

I look up at him and smile. "Tyler's idea."

Toby smiles and claps Tyler on the back. "Good idea man, we haven't been there in forever."

I take notice to how Tyler scratches the back of his head with his eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Uh, yeah. All of us, I guess." He mutters, placing his hands in his pockets with a slight scowl.

I try not to think too much of it, but the truth is that curiosity drives through me. Why wouldn't he mean all of us?

My feet follow the pack and I fall into step between Toby and Tyler, hauling my 100 pound backpack up my shoulder. From the corner of my eye I see Tyler stealing small glances at me, and it makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. I turn away and look at Toby in an attempt to ignore Tyler's blatant stares, and as my eyes pivot to my brother, they catch sight of a familiar leather jacket walking up from the far end of the parking lot.

I end up meeting dark brown eyes and I smile, watching as West's scowl softens into a lopsided grin. I wave him over and he changes his route to make us his destination rather than the school. I stop to wait for him and the others follow my lead.

When he reaches us, I drift to his side and fall into step beside him. The cool breeze makes me shiver and walk slightly closer to him, and it causes his leather jacket to rub against my arm. I instantly smell the desirable mix of mint and cologne radiating off of his body, and it makes my heart unconsciously thud faster.

"Hey, Sunshine. Miss me?" He asks, smirking down at me.

"Maybe in your dreams." I sign with an amused glint to my eye.

He blows air out of his nose and smiles, "Never going to give anything away, are you?"

I smirk, "There's nothing to give away in the first place."

"Keep telling yourself that."

We reach the doors and instantly Tyler's hand is grasping the handle, holding it open for the rest of us to pile inside. I offer him a smile and a quickly signed "thank you', and West gives up a nod. We take course towards my locker as the guys all talk about the party, and as we approach the dirtied row of lockers, my blood runs cold.

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