Chapter Forty

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Silently Falling (ORIGINAL): Chapter Forty

"It's Christmas!"

My eyes flutter open when I hear Tyler's loud voice booming through my house, the walls doing little to block the noise out. I blink my eyes awake and they focus in on West still sleeping soundly next to me, his warm breath blowing onto my nose from our close state. He has one arm draped around my bare back, the other folded over our heads, and a small smile drawn onto his lips.

Memories of last night flood my mind and I quickly take note to my naked state, but I don't freak out or regret anything, instead I smile. We both got an extra Christmas gift last night; granted it made me pretty sore, but it was worth it. He was gentle, and I couldn't have asked for a better night with him.

I lift my hand and gently trail it along West's cheek, my fingers dusting across his skin. The steady rhythm of his breaths suddenly changes and a content sigh slips past his lips, his eyes slowly opening.

I smile softly, "Merry Christmas."

A tired smile slips onto his lips, "Merry Christmas, indeed."

He leans forward and brushes his lips against mine, and then glances down at our naked state. "Last night really did happen, then." He hums, his hand beginning to lightly rub my back.

Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I nod sheepishly. "It did."

He doesn't break our eye contact, "Do you regret it?" He asks quietly.

I smile softly and shake my head, "Not one bit."

The worried look in his eye disappears and they seem to shine. "Neither do I. Are you sore?"

I nod slightly, "A little, but it's more than worth it."

He grins, "It was pretty memorable."

I laugh at his word choice and lean forward to gently kiss him.

"Raine! West! Come on you two, it's Christmas!" Toby exclaims, pounding on my door. "Everyone else is already down there, aside from Casper! He's waiting for you two!"

West grins at me, "Come on, Sunshine." He starts to sit up, and pulls himself out from under the covers, exposing himself to me. Not that he didn't already last night.

I go to cover my eyes, but West grabs my hands and chuckles at my blushing cheeks. "It's nothing you didn't see last night." He smirks, winking at me.

Of course the action only makes me blush harder and he starts for where his shirt and pants are on the floor of the room. He pulls them on, and I watch as he slides his sweatpants up his legs and to his waist, covering up something I wouldn't mind continuing to see.

"You know, Sunshine, in some countries it's considered rude to stare." He says, watching me watching him with a raised brow, his shirt in his hands.

"Good thing this is America," I retort, standing up. The covers fall from my body, and instantly West's eyes are attached to my body. "Now who's staring?" I tease, winking at him as I walk past him and to my closet.

"Can you blame me?" He asks.

I pull on a pajama shirt and long pajama pants, running my fingers through my hair. I glance at West and he holds his hand out for me.

"Shall we?"

I grin and take his hand, but we make a pit stop in the bathroom to brush our teeth and wash our faces. We walk into the guest room and I see Casper patiently waiting for us. When he sees us, his eyes light up and he shoots off the bed, running past us to the stairs.

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