Chapter Eleven

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Silently Falling (ORIGINAL): Chapter Eleven


I haul my navy blue North Face backpack over my shoulder and fall into step next to Alyse. Our bean boots carry us to the school doors from the parking lot, while my brother walks proudly in front of us.

From the way he was checking himself out in the mirror this morning, he's pretty proud of his overall appearance today. He's wearing a denim button up and dark wash jeans, basically the same thing he wears every day, but today it's apparently different. Alyse is wearing a cute, maroon cardigan with lighter colored jeans, and I'm wearing a short jean jacket over top my Kiss t-shirt.

My backpack falls slightly down my shoulder and I pull it back up, pouting at all the weight in it. I cannot wait to unload my books into my locker.

My father bought me this backpack a few days before school started, but he hadn't delivered it himself. He sent it through the mail, and even ruined the surprise by calling us the day before it got to the house to ask if my gift had arrived yet.

Even so, I'm grateful. I don't think I could have used my backpack from last year, considering the zipper is completely broken from the constant use.

"Hey, Toby!" Tyler greets, slapping my brothers hand before giving him a 'bro hug.'

"Tobe-mister." Gray comments, doing the same.

Toby looks at him weirdly. "Never again."

I smile at Tyler as he walks over to me, his bright eyes twinkling and his dimples out to say hello.

"You look beautiful as ever," he says, smiling at me.

I smile and punch his arm, "Sweet talking me doesn't mean I'm going to forget about those fries you owe me."

He scratches the back of his head with a sheepish smile. "I forgot the money again..."

Since Tyler packs his lunch most every day, he doesn't have any lunch money in his school account. Therefore he still hasn't bought me my fries.

"Now you have to buy me two servings." I sign, giving him an unsympathetic shrug.

He pouts, "Raine!" He whines.

I shake my head and put my hand up to silence him. "I don't want to hear it."

He deflates, huffs, and crosses his arms. I turn to the rest of our group and stand next to my brother.

"So, how was your weekend at your sister's college?" Alyse asks Gray, leaning against the lockers.

He smirks, "How do you think? A bunch of drunk, horny college girls and a very single and handsome me."

I look down at the floor as the other two give him congratulatory slaps on the back.

"What about the waitress?" I ask.

"She was good for a few nights; too bubbly for me." He shrugs.

"At least tell me you used protection. I don't want to have a bunch of little Gray's running around." I sign, sending him a scolding look.

He chuckles, "Neither do I, luckily the store had my size."

I narrow my eyes at him before rolling them. Immature idiot.

He starts to laugh and pulls me in for a side hug. "I'm just kidding with you Raine, but yes I used protection. I'm not going to make you become a Godmother this soon."

Silently Falling (UNEDITED, ORIGINAL)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant