Chapter Thirty Seven

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Silently Falling (ORIGINAL): Chapter Thirty Seven

A blast of wind knocks one of my windows open and makes me jump out of my skin. I quickly stand up with my blanket wrapped tightly around my body to hide from the below freezing temperatures and I slam the window shut, locking it so it doesn't open again. The gust of wind blew snow into the living room and sent a chill in the already freezing air, and it makes me curl father into the couch.

After West stormed out during our fight the other night, I went to my room and basically cried until I ran out of tears. I was expecting him to call and ask to talk through what happened, but he never did. Not the day after, and not the day after that, and today is no different. I haven't seen or heard from him since the fight three days ago. School got cancelled on Friday because of the giant snow storm that blew in, and yesterday was Saturday so I had no way of seeing West without going over there or texting him.

When I went to sleep the night of our fight, I was still steaming with anger. He had no right to get mad at me and try to make me look like the bad guy, but the more time I had to cool down I realized I shouldn't have attacked him like I did.

That doesn't mean I'm still not bitter about the whole ordeal.

As bitter as I am, I really just want to see him. I want to cuddle into his arms and apologize for yelling, and I want him to apologize for twisting my words against me. I want him to hold me close and fight away the cold that was brought to me with this snow storm. I want to have him kiss me so hard I forget that we even fought in the first place.

I want him.

But I'm stubborn, and I refuse to apologize first. He should be the one apologizing anyways.

"Hey sis, you need anything?" Toby asks gently, walking down the steps and stopping by the living room.

I shake my head and pull the blanket closer to my body. The fight with West has pushed me back to being semi mute. I only talk if I need something or if Toby asks me a non yes or no question.

I hear Toby sigh deeply and then I hear his footsteps pad down the hallway and away from me. I sigh silently and look back at the TV, playing some random movie I don't know the name of.

"Raine, you have been cooped up in that blanket for the past three days." Alyse says as she walks into the living room, placing herself next to me.

My eyes trail towards her and then back at the TV as I shrug.

"You're starting to smell." She deadpans, trying to make me laugh.

It doesn't work.

"Who cares." I mutter.

I hear her sigh deeply and she goes quiet, and I focus my attention back on the TV.

"Raine, you know I love you more than anything in the world, aside from maybe your brother, which is why I'm doing this." She says, and before I have the chance to react, the blanket is ripped away from me. Because I was practically attached to said blanket, I end up falling onto the floor with a satisfying thud.

I glare up at Alyse as I rub my back that now feels bruised as hell. She has her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide as she tries to bite back her smile.

"I'm sorry," she whispers, her voice cracking with unspoken laughter. "You weren't supposed to fall!" She exclaims, a few cackles escaping her.

I stand up and place myself back on the couch, crossing my arms with a deep scowl. "Well I did." I snap. "What was the point in that anyways?"

She bites her lip and sits next to me as she shrugs. "Honestly I have no clue. I thought it would be like the movies and you would snap out of this slump."

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