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Clair's pov:
Not long after the teachers complement, the bell rang again which makes me jump much to everyone's irritation. Some even look rather annoyed but I don't care, simply not getting why those damn bells always need to be that incredible loud.
„Which is your next class?" Angela asks me with an honest smile. This girl really doesn't seem to fit in with all the other students at all, just like myself I guess.
„Honestly? I have no idea." I say with a small smile while I start to search for my paper. With a heavy sigh I see that it's advanced math, a lesson that will surely bore me to death again. At least it has been like that in every school so far.
„Advanced Math, room a7" I answer after an inward sigh. Angelas face however brightens right away.
„Awesome! I have that one now too! If you want I can show you how to get there?" she asks me hopeful that I would agree. And something about her makes me smile in appreciation. She seems to be a rather sweet girl and maybe I will be finally able to at least get one friend.
„That would be really nice of you. I am sure I will get lost otherwise anyway." I reply with honest relief.
„Are you two Ready for our next class?" the two boys ask us much to Angela's shock it seems. Her eyes are nearly falling out of their sockets if my eyesight isn't fueling me.
„I guess so. Do you guys also have Advanced Math now?" I say a bit surprised that they are even still in the classroom. After all everyone other then the teacher and us already left for their next class.
„That we do." Jasper says with a low chuckle that makes me feel all funny on the inside.
„Come on you guys or we are going to be late. Emmet surely is already waiting for us." the other one with those bronze like hair says and much to my irritation takes my books for me. Of course me being me, I blush at his gallantry.
„Thank you, but I could carry them myself too." I mumble embarrassed and definitely not used to all that attention I am getting around here.
„I am sure you can do so. However I like to do it for you instead. If it helps you set your mind at ease, see it as an apology for being so rude this morning." he simply states a second before he starts to walk. Shaking my head a little at his use of words as well as to clear my head up again. Somehow those boys are rather confusing.
„Took you guys long enough!" a bear of a man says with a role of his eyes. The second his eyes land on me though his face lights up with a wide and welcoming smile.
„Hi! I am Emmet, happy to finally meet you!" he says sounding pretty giddy and excited like a little kid. A funny thought especially with how well build he is.
„Nice to meet you too Emmet. My name is Clair." i reply with a soft smile on my lips while Angela seems to feel a bit overwhelmed with that many people around herself. So in hope to sooth her a bit, I softly squeeze her hand in mine. I never liked the thought of someone else feeling uneasy. After all I sadly know that feeling way too good to let anyone else go through it too. Her thankful smile makes me smile encouragingly back at her.
„By the way, my name is Edward. I completely forgot to introduce myself earlier." the first one says with a boyish smile that makes his eyes glisten along with this whole demeanor.
„Nice to meet you too Edward." I simply say after taking a deep breath. Something about those three keeps on toying with my brain and I surely don't like that at all.
The rest of the way towards our next class was made in quietness. Some students even stopped with whatever they might have been doing to openly gawk at us. Strange, but kids my age tend to be strange. Sadly I might add! So after a few more turns we finally enter a new classroom. The teacher also stares at us slightly irritated before he looks at me in open interest.
„How May i help you Miss?" he asks me while looking me up and down with open hunger. A shiver running over me at how damn uncomfortable his starring is making me feel right away. Even Angela looks at me in apology at how creepy this teacher is.
„Miss Baker is new at our school, so you might want to sign her attendance sheet for her." a seemingly pissed of Emmet states as he steps in front of me so he is shielding me from his stare.
„Of Course." the teacher answers slightly afraid but right now I don't seem to care. Way too relieved that I am hidden away from his eyes for the time being. I can feel a slowly familiar getting hand on my lower back that soothes me some more.
„It's ok. You don't need to look at him any more." Edward softly whispers and takes my hand in his to further calm my nerves and to my own surprise it seems to work wonders for me.
„She will be sitting in the back with us. There is an empty seat anyway." Emmet says lowly before he turns around to smile at me in assurance that everything is fine. To my own surprise Angela also takes a seat in the very back so I smile towards her the best I can, still a bit freaked out by the teachers behavior.
„It's unbelievable how that useless human is still allowed to be around kids!" I hear Jasper mutter under his breath. Something in me tells me that this statement wasn't meant for me to hear, so I try to not think about what he might mean by this sentence. Which seems to be a really hard task since my mind pictures me every thing he might have done to get expelled and none of my imaginary pictures is assuring.
„I am going to hand out your new work sheets of which I suggest you do quietly!" the teacher states strictly. I can feel as he comes closer towards me, but I make sure to keep my eyes on the table. Not wanting to see his lingering looks on me any more! When he lays down the sheet on my table he takes a minute longer before he goes to the next one. And I might be hallucinating but I am rather certain that I heard some threatening growls while he stood right in front of me. Since they however stop shorty afterwards again, I simply shake my head at my own stupidity. My fantasy always has been rather colorful to say it with my mother's words, but this is really weird even for me! So to get my mind on something else I concentrate on the worksheet, that much to my expectation was really easy. Within fifteen minutes I finished with every problem and my mind goes back to wondering what has been happening this short day in school already.
„Miss Baker! Is my teaching boring you this much or do you want to go to detention on your first day of school already?" a very mad looking teacher says. His eyes thought light up at the mention of me staying later for detention, which of course only make my alarm bells go off rather loudly in my head.
„If you would of paid attention to your class you might of seen that she already finished with your dumb work sheet!" Jasper answers him even before I could think of a reasonable come back. The shocked look on his face makes me inwardly Thank Jasper for coming to my aid. I surely wouldn't of been able to answer him this eloquently without making a fuel out of myself for starring at him in sheer terror.
„Well, lets see if that's even the truth." he states after a minute of thinking about what to do now. Slowly he stands up from his chair and walks towards my spot. As he finally got there he looks over my work and mutters under his breath how it's unbelievable that I could solve all of those math problems so quickly especially since he made sure to give me a sheet from the grade over mine. At hearing that I nearly screamed at him how incredible unfair this was, but instead I bite my lip and stay quiet.
„Well, seems like you did rather good. Entertain yourself then." he says pretty unhappy before he made his way back towards his seat.

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