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Clair's pov:
After saying a very heartfelt goodbye and see you tomorrow's to Carlisle as well as Rosie, Alice and Esme. The other three Cullen boys walk me to my car. When they all take a seat in my car I look at them confused. Of course they said that they will come along, but shouldn't at least one of them drive their car? How are they getting back to their place otherwise?
„We will be Running Princess." Jasper says and kisses my surprised lips. A smile forms on my face right away at his show of affection, of course along with a very dominant blush but who cares.
„Are you Sure? I live on the other side of this town?" I ask slightly worried that they might underestimate the distance our houses are apart from each other. Their joyous laugh makes me smile softly. It's so nice to hear their laugh! Makes me feel all warm from the inside out.
„More than sure darling, we are Vampires. Remember?" Edward says with a wink that makes my blush deepen even more.
„Such a cute color!" Emmet says and caresses my flaming cheeks lovingly. With an embarrassed whine I quickly turn my face away from them to instead look through the windshield.
„Well you all better buckle up because I need to go home now." I say after clearing my throat to get my sentence out which of course only gets them to chuckle again.
„No need for us to buckle up my love. Nothing could possibly happen to us if we should get in an accident. And as long as we are with you, nothing will happen to you either! Of that we are going to make sure!" Emmet says with a promise. Confused on what he means by that, but then again I need to go home now or my mom is going to worry about me. So instead of questioning him on what he means by that, I simply make myself a small note to ask them tomorrow. Carefully I start the car and after one more wave towards the three watching female vampires I start my drive back home. The whole drive was filled with them talking about stuff we could do tomorrow after school and how they are going to be bored this whole night. After asking them what they mean by that, Jasper explains to me how vampires aren't able to sleep. Instead they read, play, or play some instruments or anything else that they might feel like doing. It must be nice to not have to waste this much time sleeping each day, on the other hand thought I do love my sleep.
„So, what do you and your mom do this evening? You only said That you guys have a Tradition but not what it is." Edward questions interested. Smiling softly at the reminder alone that thanks for Carlisle help this tradition will be going on. This alone makes me appreciate this incredible sweet man even more!
„Nothing too special. It's just with her job she rarely is at home. So we made it our mission that at least on our first full day in a new home we spend the evening together. Eat some take out or something that is rather fast cooked and then we talk about our first day. Speak about the good and the bad." I say and park the car in front of my place. Feeling still slightly dumb for loving this simple tradition that much.
„I don't know how to describe it to be honest. It's just one of the only days each year where we spend some one on one time together." I further explain hoping that they won't make fun of this tradition. For others this might be a normal evening but in our family it's not. A big hand softly lays on my shoulder and makes me turn around to face all three boys that mean so much to me already.
„It sounds like a lovely tradition. One that allows the two of you to strengthen the bond you have with one another." Emmet says with a soft smile that makes me sigh in relief. Thankful that they indeed understand this tradition more than anyone else ever did. This means a lot to me so it's good to know that my mates are this supportive of this.
„Emmet is right darling. It's a sweet tradition." Edward adds with the same smile on his lovely lips.
„And it also seems like we made the right decision by taking the leftover pasta with us. This way the two of you won't have to cook and instead concentrate on spending time with each other!" Jasper adds and lifts a huge dish with the incredibly delicious pasta those three females have cooked for me earlier today.
„Thank you! That's really sweet of you. All of you!" I say and kiss each of their mouths in thanks and appreciation.
„Believe me princess. You are more than welcome!" Jasper answers me with honesty in every word. Not knowing how much more time we have before my mom gets here, I get out of the car. The three quickly following my lead and take a spot next to my side.
„Would you like to come in till my mom gets here?" I ask unsure if it was wise to ask them in. It however also would of been really impolite to not do it. Their smiles also make me feel like I did the right thing. So with a welcoming hand movement towards the door, I walk with them by my side there. Quickly I unlock the lock and enter the slightly familiar getting house I now live in.
„It is a very beautiful house you live in darling." Edward says with an encouraging smile as I look around the rooms to see still many boxes that are waiting to get emptied.
„Thanks, but it still needs time until everything is where it belongs." I reply and walk towards the kitchen to get the pasta dish into the oven for when my mom gets here. After doing that I look towards three of my observing mates.
„Would you like to see my room?" I ask and get three excited nods in reply, so with a short giggle I lead them towards my bedroom. When they get in they look around in wonder. Jasper touches a few of my books that are similar to some of his. Emmet smiles at the big windows and points something out towards his two brothers. They right away go to stand next to him and smile excitedly.
„Your House is right opposite of ours my love." Emmet says as he sees me watching them confused. Sadly just as I wanted to ask them how they would possibly know that, the lock was heard.
„We should go now. Have fun with your mom princess!" Jasper whispers close to my ear. And after they each kissed me once more softly, they quietly leave through one of my sliding windows. Waving after them with a smile makes me feel slightly stupid, but I still do so.
„Sweetheart? Are you here?" mom asks loudly from the entryway.
„I am here!" I say and go to welcome her back home with a grateful smile that she is here and that we won't have to give up on our precious tradition.

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