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Clair's pov:
After some more minutes well spent with all of my four wonderful mates, we hear the door downstairs open and close. And the second Marcus appears on the top stair, Jane and Alec also appear out of nowhere.
„How did it go?" I softly question Marcus who smiles lovingly towards me as he finds me sitting on Carlisle's lap.
„It went really well I would say. I honestly can't believe that I finally found my mate. And on top of that my lovely daughter too!" he says and kisses my forehead softly. His smile never leaving his face.
„We all are really happy for you too my friend! You truly deserve this happiness after everything you had to go through." Carlisle says and pats his shoulder like a good friend would do.
„Master Aro also asked us to please Call him and Master Caius when you get back to us." Jane says with a small yet respectful nod towards Marcus who only rolls his eyes at that. Still, he keeps on smiling which makes me incredibly happy. My mates have been telling me how he was usually very sad and depressed because of the loneliness he felt all the time. So to know that this finally is over, my heart really went out towards him.
„I will do that right away than. That is if you guys will excuse me for a minute." Marcus says and asks us to which everyone only chuckles.
„I already told you that you are family, so please don't act like a stranger. Our home is you're as Well. So make yourself comfortable and act as you please!" Carlisle simply states making even Marcus chuckle a bit. Not knowing for how long he will leave for his call, I quickly go up to him and hug him softly.
„Missed you!" I simply whisper lowly. Not sure if he will appreciate the sentiment or not. The cold lips that get pressed on my forehead thought make me smile slightly at the knowledge that he is more than fine that I act this way towards him.
„I missed you too little one. And I will be right back with you guys. Only call my brothers to inform them of my amazing daughter and just as amazing mate. I am sure they will be really impatient to meet you and your mother." he softly tells me as he squeezes my body into him once more. So with a happy smile on my lips I walk back to my mates to give Marcus some space to call his brothers. Hopefully they will really be happy for him and us. I after all can not imagine my life without him around me somehow. Its really strange to feel that way, I know that, believe me I do. But I can't help myself but feel like that. It's like I finally have a father figure that actually cares for me. And let me tell you, it feels incredible to have another parental figure that will hopefully love me just as much as mom does. Emmet was the one to break the silence with the offer to go to their living room instead of staying in the kitchen. It would be more comfy for everyone, and so we all went to take a seat on their really comfy couch.
„When are Rosie and Alice coming home?" I ask into the room after we all settled down. It only now dawned on me that we left school early without them. Thinking about it makes me feel slightly bad. I mean we haven't even told them what was going on, we simply left without a word said.
„No need to get yourself so worked up darling. We did inform them on what had occurred and they after some discussion stayed back to make sure that the teacher truly gets fired." Edward softly says and kisses my head while I cuddle myself closer into him. Don't judge, he is comfy. Well, who am I fooling? They all are very comfy to cuddle with and lay on!
„Oh. Need to thank them afterwards then." I mumble under my breath. Slowly starting to feel myself relax after the very stressful day. After all I know that nothing could possibly hurt me with all of them this close around me.
„Looks like you are really tired cutie. Maybe you guys should go upstairs to lay down for a bit?" Alec softly says while he eyes me with a very thoughtful expression. Not liking to leave them here on their own though, honestly enjoying their company way too much for that, so I simply shake my head with a small pout on my lips.
„It's fine cutie. Alec only thought you would feel more comfy on a bed, but you don't have to leave if you don't want to." Jane softly explains her brothers though process since she obviously thought I might be mad at him for even offering for me to leave.
„I know." I quietly say in reply. Definitely not wanting them to think I would take their thoughtfulness the wrong way. It after all was a sweet offer of them. Seeing both of them sigh in utter relief, makes me only smile at them softly before a yawn interrupts me. Their low chuckles make me feel even more comfortable than before and just like that, I can feel my eye lids falling shut. Guess this day was more tiresome than I thought previously.

I keep on wandering around the school with only Angela by my side. Today was the first day since mom and I moved here where the sun is shining. My mates have told me this morning when I woke up that they sadly won't be able to go to school today with me, since they would be glittering and that would reveal their secret of being vampires.
„Looks like our husbands finally ditched you." Isabella sneered at me while her group of followers stand next to her with equally mean smiles.
„Get busy Webber!" one boy says and cruelly shoves Angela against the wall. Seeing the frightened girl makes me really angry. The heck are they thinking! If they have a problem with me then ok, but Angela did absolutely nothing. Not that I did either!
„Let her be!" I say angrily and shove him away from Angela who looks frightened yet grateful at me.
„Oh, looks like someone is protective of the other whore." Isabella mockingly says. Alone her voice is annoying!
„Run Angela! And when you are somewhere safe call Emmet or someone else from their family!." I quietly tell her and nod towards the hallway to tell her where to run to. She seems uncertain since she doesn't want to leave me alone with them, but then she gets that that's the only way of getting any help anyway. So since they yet again start to laugh at their own sick jokes Angela gets away without them even noticing. When they however realize it, they are pretty pissed. And their full attention gets back on little ole me.
„Since one already left, we seem to have to teach only you a lesson of not touching what's ours." Isabella sneers my way. And like the first time, it hurts to even hear that my mates belong to someone else. Of course I know that's bullshit but that doesn't change the fact that it hurts. They obviously saw my devastated and hurt look and also took advantage of it since before I could realize it, one grabs both my arms to hold it behind my back while the girls start to punch and kick my body. A scream after the other escapes me since they weren't holding back at all. They only seem to like my pain a lot since they start to mock me and keep on punching my body. When I feel bile coming up my throat I vomit all over myself and even on them, instead of the suspected bile thought, I was vomiting blood and not only a bit. When they see it, they simply let go of me, making me collapse on the floor. My body hurts and sechs so incredibly much that I couldn't do anything than curl up to hold my stomach.
„Serves you right you little whore! From now on you better fucking stay away from our future husbands. Better yet, do everyone a favor and die!" Isabella says and kicks my side really hard before they all leave. I try to get up, but the slightest movement hurts so much that I quickly give up and try to stay as still as possible. When I see black spots start to form in front of my eyes, a heavy sigh of pure relief leaves my lips. At least I won't have to feel any more pain now. I think as I slowly start to drift of into unconsciousness.
„Look Who i found here!" i hear Mister Kyger say with a wide smirk plastered on his face and that's when I completely blacked out.

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